And so the fall begins...

Sep 08, 2008 16:24

I just worked out my training schedule for the half-marathon. They're at number 487 on the wait list and I'm 549, so I'm pretty sure that it's not going to be a problem to get into the race, maybe even within the month.

The seventeen week schedule worked well for me last time around, so I'll do the same thing this time. I put all the long runs in my google calendar, and now it's a question of getting ready. Officially, the training doesn't really begin for another two weeks, according to the schedule, but I'll try to run this week a bit just so it's not jarring to build up that much over the next month or so.

The Race for the Cure is on October 4th, which is towards the end of week 2, and I'll enjoy running that one again. BTW, if anyone wants to give money to the Komen Foundation in support of my run, I have a personal page up at their website: It's tax deductible and makes me (and Planned Parenthood, the team I'm running with) look good.

I'm also going to swim while I'm training, which will be a little different than last time I went through this. I'm thinking I might take up yoga again once a week, but we'll see if time permits for that sort of thing.

Last time I did this, I was recently single, couldn't bear to be with people much, and desperate to fill my time with something that was entirely selfish. I was easily able to spend upwards of 10 to 15 hours a week working out. This time, I'm in a relationship and much more social, so finding the balance will be a little harder. Graham is of course totally supportive of me, and I think his encouragement will be helpful. But, we won't know how it all works until we are in the thick of it.

training and more training

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