Naive hopes

Mar 20, 2003 12:30

I hope that this is quick and easy. I hope that the Iraqi army surrenders at once per the instructions that we've been giving them. I hope that we can waltz in, take the place over and prepare for the aftermath with little or no death. I hope that after a few minor missle attacks, "shock and awe" does not become necessary. I hope that we are able to take control of the country quickly and amass a thorough search for the weapons that we're certain exist in the country. I hope if we find them, we can destroy all of them. I hope that we're able to find Sadaam Hussain and keep him alive so that he can be prosecuted for a variety of crimes.

I hope that the people of Iraq are as behind this whole thing as we've been told. I hope that they will participate in a democracy. I hope that the infighing won't start immediately and that anarchy doesn't reign. I hope that a black market doesn't immediately spring up, so that mafias and warlords end up controlling everything. I hope that we can rebuild the country to be a place that civiliazation is proud to have sprung from. I hope that we can help build a model for a country that other arab people look to for inspiration. I hope that trade is restored fairly quickly and that people all over the world are encouraged to buy goods, including oil, from Iraq in order to stimulate the economy there. I hope that the cost of rebuilding Iraq doesn't interfere with all the other thousands of things that this country's government must pay for. I hope that existing contracts are honored.

I hope that there is no backlash from unrealted fundamentalist islamic factions. I hope that there is no need for the terror alert to go to red here. I hope that there is no backlash against people of arab descent here. I hope that the public perception on the "arab street" is that it's not as bad as it could have been. I hope that I will never have to execute my readiness plan (i.e. get in the car and drive west).

I hope that international relations can be restored. I hope that North Korea doesn't do anything stupid. I hope that we can restore relations with Europe. I hope that the United Nations does not fall apart. I hope that Nato does not fall apart. I hope that we can patch up things with Mexico and Canada, and perhaps continue with plans for a unided western hemisphere. I hope that we are not perceived as an isolationist country too far in the future.

I hope that we can restore relations within our own country. I hope that the Democratic Party grows a spine. I hope that the Republican Party grows a heart. I hope that soon the perception of illegitimacy will go away. I hope that we can have faith and trust in our leaders. I hope that our privacy will not be intruded on overly by our government. I hope that we do not become so paralyzed with fear that our every action takes place with terrorism in consideration.

I hope that not too many people die. And I hope that those who live, live well.

politics, terrorism

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