Title: SM Boarding School
Paring: Eunhyuk/Donghae
Rating: PG-13
Genre: School life, romance, humor, angst
Chapter: 19/22
Warnings: Swearing, mention of sex and sensuality
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine except from the plot.
Summary: He stared at that big banner hanging over the gate entrance and read SM Boarding School. The banner itself scared him and he
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Comments 97
no im not *run to read*
every chap this fic become very intresting im happy for youre update good luck with youre presentation ^^
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I'm so happy you liked! x3
ILY2 *makes hearts sign back* ♥
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My respect for Sungmin has gone up after he tried to help Eunhyuk out. He's mean but he is really nice to his friends and looks out for them.
Feel sorry for kibum.
Ah eunhyuk and donghae. Still complicated but the moments they have are sweet.
Sungmin, you have your flaws but you sure can be awesome sometimes~
The presentation will be hell ;_; I'm not even that good in talking in front of people _ _''
Thanks for cheering for me tho! :3
And thanks for reading and commenting~ x3 ♥
And yeah, there weren't many happenings in this chapter. But it was good to see Hyuk turning Heechul down, even if it is thanks to Sungmin. And the end as well, very nice. Maybe this will make Eunhyuk take some prejudices off from his head. AND KIBUM SAW IT ALL, THEY BEING SWEET TO EACH OTHER, LIFE COULDN'T GET BETTER. Though I'm starting to fear Kibum will do something stupid D: Like, all school will get to know about Hyuk and Hae, Hyuk will be very pissed and they will break up ;~~; IDK, I just have a bad feeling, because he is blaming Hae about this all ;~~;
Yes, Hyuk, some guys can be beautiful ;~~~~;
And 120 students in one class O__O That's a LOT. GOOD LUCK GIRL, THINK POSITIVE 8DDD
Thank you for sharing *____________*
It is alot ;___;
omg imma die.... imma die right nao. bai.
Thanks yourself for reading and commenting~ ♥
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No, Minnie and Shindong aren't in Heechul's group~
They don't even like him :3
I'm glad you liked it! ^_^
Thanks for reading and commenting ♥
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