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Comments 68

2 the_cold_steel October 25 2011, 05:29:24 UTC
[You see this? This is Jin, with the most contemptuous look he's capable of giving.]


Don't think for even a moment that you can get what you want.


genuine_human October 25 2011, 06:25:23 UTC
[And the Major returns that contemptuous look with a wide, condescending grin. He even chuckles a little as he fixes his glasses, keeping his eyes on Jin all the while.]

... And why won't I get what I want? What I want is something that is second nature to any human: conflict. Struggle. Krieg. In large quantities.

It is that very essence of humanity that you as a knight must tap into to stop me. I will get what I want because you will give it to me.


the_cold_steel October 25 2011, 15:45:54 UTC
I won't deny that. But what I will deny you is the scale that you want. I will cut you and your forces down before you even attain a fraction of your desire.


genuine_human October 25 2011, 16:05:12 UTC
[The Major lets out a clear, condescending chuckle that he wants Jin to hear.]

I should like to see that, my dear knight. If it is a war you must fight, then it must be one where you mow down every single last one of your enemies, making sure they will never look across at you again down at any battlefield!

... But better, more seasoned soldiers than yourself have tried doing the same for what seems like an eternity. And I have never failed to send them a fond greeting... as they lie, writhing in agony.


1 bejustorbdead October 25 2011, 18:10:50 UTC
[Ky steps into the dining room, hand on the Thunderseal Sword - having come a long way to stop this brand of madness. He was no cutthroat assassin or cowardly spy, so he will make his intentions known]

Major! I am here to stop your inhumane experiments and deranged schemes - I will give you one chance to surrender and confess your crimes before the Imperial Court before I will end this myself in the name of the Crystal King.


genuine_human October 25 2011, 18:25:19 UTC
[In response, the Major continues eating. He takes a bite of a piece of sausage that he cut up just before going for the sauerkraut again.]

... Would you mind stopping with that inane prattle over there? I don't like to be interrupted when I'm eating.


bejustorbdead October 25 2011, 19:53:04 UTC
[His face reddened - how dare he!]

Then get up and take your weapon.


genuine_human October 25 2011, 20:04:48 UTC
[No, he won't be doing any of that. The Major takes a bite of the sauerkraut and shoos Ky away with his hand. Not even a verbal response.]


1 if that's okay smile_thatkills October 25 2011, 19:43:43 UTC
[There is a guy right in front of you Major, who seems to hold a smile just like you. That kind of smile that shows he has no qualms in killing someone. The chiseled end of his katana is close to your face ]

Being a Barbarian seems fun until you die, am I right?


genuine_human October 25 2011, 20:07:22 UTC
Why don't you answer that question yourself? As you can see, I'm in the middle of a meal... and as far as anybody should be concerned, all humans are "barbarians", deplorable and amoral.

[He continues eating without any regard for that katana Okita is holding by his neck. The moment the man moves it closer to the Major...]


smile_thatkills October 25 2011, 21:13:14 UTC
Heh heh, you don't seem concerned at all. Why is that? Is it because your followers will remember you?

Maybe they have to die too.


genuine_human October 25 2011, 21:24:58 UTC
We will never die. No cowardly assassin too dim to hide his own presence can kill us.

[From the ceiling, an armored figure drops down at Okita with a sword extended out at him. The Major pays no heed and simply continues eating.]


3 halfbakeprophet October 25 2011, 21:38:32 UTC
[Waka had not so gently release the person that the major was speaking to from the half-dead state]

It would be so by Logic, Etat-Major. I have to admit you know how to make a strong presentation, but I am afraid that your desired war is not in the cards.


genuine_human October 25 2011, 21:45:43 UTC
[Just how did he get there? Shouldn't the Deus Ex Machina have been high up in the air? Just what is this man!? ... are not thoughts that trouble the Major at the moment. He just smiles as Waka releases his soldier.]

Those naughty cards have been lying to you, prophet. I couldn't tell you how many kingdoms fell over a seer's squabble with those things.


halfbakeprophet October 25 2011, 22:33:39 UTC
Ah the insights of humans are limited, mon gros ami.

[He twirled his flute, while balancing on those strange tall and thin geta of his as the soldier turned to dust]

Your eternal war will not come to pass - as everything begins so they must end.


genuine_human October 25 2011, 22:42:53 UTC
Nonsense. If you would look a little more closely at those cards of yours, you'd find that history has been riddled with kampf. Pushing the envelope a little would turn kampf into krieg! And all it takes is a small, gentle push, prophet.

I tell you, my sparks made in the coming hour will set this world ablaze.


This is so late but omg. I wish I would have seen this sooner. 1 FOREVER bastaaaaaards October 30 2011, 03:54:27 UTC
[ Oh, Major. How Integra has dreamed of this glorious day, this wonderful occasion. What occasion is this, you might ask?

The occasion of your downfall.

There's nothing more than a bit of shuffling from behind him, and the sound of the safety being taken off of a pistol. She should shoot, yes, and end it. Just get this over with, once and for all.

And yet, she feels that she should be able to savor this moment for all it's worth. Perhaps it's a mistake, perhaps it's not. ]

Not surrounded by what's left of your freak show menagerie? I'm shocked, Major.


Best choice! Come at him, Integra! genuine_human October 30 2011, 04:22:36 UTC
[No, Integra. Not even you can disturb his meal. While it is a surprise, but not an unwelcoming surprise, to see Integra here, the Major continues his meal, simply all the more delighted. He cuts a part of his sausage and places it into his mouth.]

You shouldn't be. I prefer dining with a more exclusive company. Why don't you put that down before you hurt yourself, fraulein, and have a seat? The sauerkraut is agreeable today.


bastaaaaaards October 30 2011, 04:41:52 UTC
[ This is somewhat disappointing, but she expects no less from the very man who set London aflame in the course of a single night. Still, his voice has her inwardly bristling.

'Do it,' comes the voice from the depths of her mind. 'Get rid of him now!'

And yet, she doesn't. She doesn't move, however, either. She's bound and determined to kill this man, this person who is every bit as much of a monster as her pet vampire. ]

Do you really want those to be your last words? I'd always assumed they'd be something along the lines of war, not sauerkraut.


genuine_human October 30 2011, 04:48:25 UTC
That would most certainly be an appropriate death for a man of war like myself... if you were any close to having the power to kill me.

[He goes for the sauerkraut and places it into his mouth. While it could be better, he was just happy to have something from his homeland every once in a while. The cuisine in this empire still wasn't too shabby.]

So, come. Sit.


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