FOR ???

Nov 13, 2010 17:25

[ - 1 - ]

[Somehow, you have wounded yourself; however, don't worry: this woman's medical knowledge is more than enough to help fix your poor boo-boo, whatever it may be.


Or perhaps you're simply coming to visit her to say hello. She's your friend and she does most certainly keep herself busy helping others, after all! Whether a willing visitor or a patient, Medusa will appear more than happy to see you.]

[ - 2 - ]

[Oh snap! What a terrible revelation: the beautiful, sweet, kind nurse who has helped you and so many others turns out to be an incorrigible chaotic bitch of pure unadulterated evil. Well, that sucks! Good thing you found out before she could do anything bad.

...Oh, sorry about that. She's already done something bad. Quite a few somethings! Too bad you probably don't know it at all. Despite cornering the two-faced monster, you've got this really sickly, deep-itching feeling in your limbs--almost like something is crawling under your skin.]

Tsk, tsk. We really should have a talk before you do anything rash. I wouldn't want you to do anything you would regret. That would be terrible.

[ - 3 - ]

[Congratulations! You're on a date with the super hot nurse. You pick the setting, Medusa will be over here mulling over all the annoying shit she does in the name of pure evil.]

[player] hustino, [canon] soul eater

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