Story: Sebastian (part 7 of ?)

Aug 15, 2013 16:58

TITLE: "Sebastian"
AUTHOR: tess_dicorsi
GENRE: Mystery
DISCLAIMER: Recognizable characters are not mine. Just playing with them and promise not to break them. There are a few original characters, they're mine. I'm also trying not to break them.

SUMMARY: An old collar from the LAPD and an angry colleague from the FBI are back and looking for Marty Deeks. Established Deeks-Kensi. Multi-chapter story.

7. "Many things are not as they seem: the worst things in life never are." - Jim Butcher, "White Night"

Deeks reared back, slamming the man holding him into the office wall. With the assailant's grip loosened, Deeks whirled around, planning to use his thermos as a weapon. Matt putting his hands up stopped Deeks in his tracks.

"Be quiet," Matt whispered.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Deeks whispered back, though the reason he was whispering was beyond him. "You're out of your mind."

"Go into your office and don't say a word," Matt bent over, picked up Deeks's helmet and moved to the office door, waiting for Deeks to let him in.

"Lunatic," Deeks whispered as he looked into the retinal scanner. When the door clicked open, Matt walked into the secretary's area with Deeks behind him. Once in Deeks's office, Matt put the helmet down on the desk and pointed to Deeks to put the thermos and breakfast down.

Deeks wanted to strangle Matt with his messenger bag strap but recognized his friend was in full professional-operational mode. Something was up. With everything on the desk, Matt pulled Deeks to the guest chair and had him look under the front lip of the desk. There, he found the reason Matt was behaving as he was - a listening device.

Matt pulled Deeks back to his desk chair and pushed him to sit. Motioning for him to wait, Matt pulled out his phone and left the room. Ten seconds later, Deeks's desk phone rang.

"Marty Deeks."

"I don't like it when you play rough, Martin. You're bigger than I am and I bruise easily. Pretend I'm Bates."

"What can I do for you, Lieutenant?" Deeks rolled his eyes.

Imitating Bates, Matt starts, "Well, first you can apologize to Bernhart for your gruff greeting when he saved your ass this morning. He's a sensitive soul who treasures your friendship." Slipping back into his own voice, Matt told him "Then you can say something like 'I'll be right over' before you hang up and leave. Take your helmet with you."

"I'll be right over," Deeks sighed, picked up his helmet and left.

Matt, looking rather satisfied, walked with Deeks in silence to the elevator. Once in the elevator car, Matt said, "I called Bates and Agent Hanna when I found the bug. We're all having a big meeting at Bates's office. And I'm sorry if I scared you."

"Not scared," Deeks said, somewhat truthfully, "more startled. I understand why you wanted me quiet but seriously, Matthew, don't jump people who had dinner near a serial killer."

"But I bet it was totally worth it for the King Crab tempura. God, I love Nobu," Matt sighed. "Anyway, Bates is sending a black and white for me. You take the bike over in case your dinner non-companion is in the mood for his morning stalking."

"Took the scenic route this morning. Didn't see him."

"Called your logistic guy Eric."

"NCIS's logistics guy. You call him mine in front of Bates and we'll both be back in uniform writing parking tickets."

"Sorry, called NCIS's computer whiz Eric," Matt made a face as they got off the elevator. "He said all of Boothe's cars were at the Sea Lane Drive house this morning."

"He took the Mercedes SLS Coupe to Nobu, according to the tracking last night. Fit right in with what was in the parking area." Deeks stopped near the building's side entrance.

"I have a list of all the cars, including the one used by the household staff. All bright cars, all flashy cars, all lousy tail calls. Listen, you don't have to wait with me. Get to Bates. All the NCIS people are probably there and I can blame my tardiness on Bates and his black and white. I never get to blame things on other people. Let me enjoy the moment," Matt said, smiling.

Deeks shook his head as he shook Matt's hand and pulled him into a hug. "Thanks for looking out for me, my brother," Deeks said before he walked through the lobby and out the front door.

Matthew was not wrong about all the NCIS people being at Bates's office, Deeks thought has he walked in Hetty, Callen and Sam were givens. Nell was wearing blue coveralls, standing near the door while Kensi was on speakerphone because of a 6AM shoot at the Bob Hope Airport. "Are we trying to stuff as many humans into this office as possible or is this just a happy coincidence? Good morning all."

"Bernhart found a bug," Callen started.

Deeks nodded his head. "Has this room been checked?"

"Yes, did it as soon as Bernhart called this morning," Bates told him.

"Who was in your office yesterday besides the official visitors?" Sam asked.

"Were you there officially?" Deeks asked Hetty. When she nodded yes, he continued. "Mike the office mail guy; whoever cleans the place after I leave and Hetty, Elizabeth Kelly, Andrea Miller and Kensi."

"You have that many people every day?" Callen asked.

"No. Been rather lonely."

Bates made a face. "Do you think Andrea Miller planted the bug?"

"Does anyone not think Andrea Miller is behind the bug?" Deeks looked at the others.

"And there were no bugs there when left Monday morning," Matt said as he breezed into the office. "Officer Chan is really wasting his time in law enforcement. NASCAR is looking for a man like him."

Bates made another face and Deeks felt like old times back with LAPD . "Did you check the houses?" Bates asked.

"Last night, once America's Sweethearts got back from Nobu, I went through my place and the grounds," Matt answered. "Clean."

"We checked the main house and the deck to the beach before we contacted any of you last night," Kensi said through the speakerphone. "Clean."

"Bugs aren't Boothe's style. He's more a show up in-person stalker," Deeks spoke from experience.

"Elizabeth Kelly?" Nell chimed in. "She was there."

"She was," Deeks was skeptical. "But she was concerned about Boothe's actions, about him making trouble for the firm. She was uncomfortable with the whole thing."

"Nerves about bugging the office?" Nell pressed

"A woman with a law degree, an MBA and who is the CEO of a company that almost went under when the chairman stabbed a cop isn't going to risk that company bug a room," Deeks told her. "Boothe does something really atrocious, Boothe Financial is done and the same holds for her. She was covering her ass and her firm's ass. I filed a report after she left so she's on record being worried about Boothe."

"And if she wanted the room bugged to see if we were investigating Boothe, she'd have other ways to get the bug in without dirtying her hands," Matt added.

"Mr. Bernhart?"

"I did a year undercover with a consulting firm that really did corporate espionage. I'm sure Elizabeth Kelly would be able to find some outfit like that," Matt told Hetty.

"And what would your corporate espionage firm have done?" Callen asked.

"Put someone in with the cleaning crew. Buildings have been farming those duties out for years. I can clean carpets. Did it in college when, well, let's say sophomore year was spent on academic probation and cut off from the parental credit cards," Matt chuckled. "Anyway, Eunoia Consulting would send me to a cleaning service as someone to shampoo the carpets. Get placed in a building with the targeted company, move around a little furniture; plant a bug or a camera and clean the place. People come back to clean carpets the next morning. We'd always left a flyer reminding people that the carpets were just cleaned helpful tips to keep things stain-free. That way, nobody would really notice that a planter was moved just enough for the cameras to get a look at computer terminals or office safes. If you're Boothe Financial, you're not risking your CEO."

"Why do I think I'm never going to be out of a janitor's coveralls after this?" Deeks mumbled.

After Nell coughed, Deeks turned to her. "You get to climb telephone poles. Last time, I got to mop up the ER waiting room after a guy with a stomach virus proved he needed immediate attention."

Hetty's more authoritarian cough brought them back to the matter at hand. "If, as Mr. Bernhart believes, Miss Kelly is not responsible..."

"That leaves us with Andrea Miller," Kensi said.

"And I left her alone in the office for about a minute," Deeks told them.

"You what?" Bates was annoyed.

"Kensi was at the door. I let her in. She had the office to herself for as long as it took me to get the door."

"That's long enough to plant the bug," Callen was thinking aloud. "Nell, contact Eric and have him review the video of the office."

"One camera is trained on Deeks, looking at the desk," Nell said, pulling out her iPad. She opened a few screens and showed them the office. "The other is behind him but trained on the door. I don't know if there is a clear shot of what anyone is doing the other side of the Deeks's desk."

"Have Mr. Beale look at the video anyway," Hetty advised.

"I'm assuming we have a plan since Nell isn't exactly dressed for success," Deeks noted.

"Miss Jones is going into your office in her telecommunications worker role to check the phones, our joint task force cameras and microphones and to try to ascertain where the audio signal from the listening device is going."


"Did you say anything in the office yesterday that would blow your 'stuck in an office with a desk job' cover?" Sam asked.

"No. If it's Andrea Miller, all she heard was me pack up my bag and leave for dinner. If it was earlier in the day - I tried to negotiate a paperwork issue between LAPD and NCIS in the morning, met with Kelly and Miller, made a follow-up dentist appointment because it's been three months and I think Dr. Patton misses me. Kensi picked me up and we went right to dinner."

"We did talk about what happened in the car."

"Miss Blye, check your vehicle for any listening devices. If someone heard you review yesterday's happenings and with the stranger on the boat outside your cover house Sunday, I'm pulling you both from the case."

"If Elizabeth Kelly is nervous about Boothe Financial, maybe a visit from NCIS could shake her up a bit," Callen offered. "Go in saying we're looking out for our liaison officer. We want to protect him. See if she's open to helping out."

"We're leaving the bug there, right?" Deeks asked.

The replies were three "no's," from Callen, Sam and Hetty, an "absolutely not" from Kensi, an "are you nuts?" from Bates and an "absolutely" from Matt. Nell, it seems, abstained.

"Why would you leave the bug in place?" Kensi asked.

"I'm a desk-bound paper pusher. I'm filing for FISA warrants and helping find software that interfaces bug-free between NCIS and LAPD. We can confirm that to whoever is listening. I'm sure I can dream up some sort of paperwork issue between NCIS, LAPD and DHS about who is covering what in my salary. Keep the person listening bored to tears."

"What does that accomplish?" Bates asked.

"I fall off Andrea Miller's radar if she's the one planting the bug. Based on a couple of Sundays ago, she knows damn well I wasn't helping out on whatever she had planned."

"We could leave it and report the placement of the bug to DHS, FBI, NCIS and LAPD but to Lt. Bates and not you Detective. You'll look even more out of the loop," Nell thought aloud.

"And that way someone from DC could pressure Miller into admitting she placed the bug," Callen followed Nell's logic. "Smart."

"It would probably mean she'd be removed from the case," Nell added.

"Det. Deeks, please be careful returning to the office. Miss Jones should be there shortly. Perhaps you could listen to some music or news while she's working in the office."

"Cover the noise, done." Deeks looked at Nell and smiled. Turning back to Bates and Hetty, he asked, "Anything else?"

Gunfire came over the phone line. "Sorry, Air Marshall Sasha Stevens is fighting for the American way of life and USA Network behind me," Kensi offered as an apology. "We were able to talk her out of trying to stop a plane by jumping on the wing and wrestling it down on her own."

"Talk about that Hollywood stuff next time you two are in the car. You only talk work in the cover house, got that?" Bates ordered. "And you," he pointed to Bernhart, "good work this morning."

Matt beamed. "Thank you, sir."

"Friday morning, say we all reconvene here around 7AM. Are you going to be available for that, Agent Blye?"

"Yeah, Chelsea Carroll, who plays Sasha Stevens, is doing Letterman on Thursday so they're shutting down production after we finish here at the airport."

"Okay, we're good. Deeks, if you can stay behind for a minute, I'd like to talk to my detective."

As the others left, Kensi said she'd meet Deeks for lunch - give whoever was bugging Deeks an earful. Once alone with Bates, Deeks asked "What did I do now?"

"How are you holding up?"

"Fine. I'm living at the beach. I had dinner last night with a real Hollywood producer. I'm having lunch with my fake Hollywood girlfriend. Matthew's insane but looking out for me. LAPD has my back. Based on the attendance at this morning's little impromptu meeting, so does NCIS. Take Boothe and Miller out of the picture and I'm living the dream."

"Take Boothe and Miller out of the picture and you're back in your apartment, you'd have never met Arthur Winston and we won't even talk about how out of your league Agent Blye is. Bernhart would still be insane though."

Deeks chuckled. "True."

"You're doing okay, though." Bates was genuinely concerned.

"I'm fine. I'll be better when Boothe is back in jail and Andrea Miller is in Washington, where she belongs."

"Stay out of trouble. Bernhart has been doing some cross-searches with missing persons throughout California. Let's just say the six men the FBI have as official victims may add three or four based on the time Boothe's was at Stanford getting his MBA. Nothing from Durham when he was at Duke as an undergrad."

"And the women?"

"Matt's found one in Palo Alto. Her parents won't have her declared dead because every time they get close to letting go, an Elizabeth Smart, Jaycee Dugard or those three women in Cleveland return." Bates shook his head.

"I need to go. Don't want to leave Nell waiting at the PAB."


Deeks watched Nell leave the elevator and wondered what weighed more, Nell or the utility belt/helmet/tool bag/back pack she had. He held the door and helped her off with the backpack and helmet. She assembled what she needed in the secretary's area while Deeks sat at his desk, ESPN Radio's "The Herd" playing on his computer.

Watching Nell work was endlessly entertaining to Deeks. Like Kensi, her concentration level for the task at hand was through the roof. She had her tablet and a wand of some sort as she examined the device. Deeks's phone rang, startling them both.

"Marty Deeks," he answered as he turned down the computer speakers. Nell stopped what she was doing, staring at him.

"Detective Deeks, this is Michael Hudson."

"What can I do for you, Mr. Hudson." Deeks grabbed a legal pad from his desk. He scribbled "Michael Hudson. Boothe's lawyer" and showed it to Nell. When she nodded, Deeks wrote down the date and time before he started taking notes.

"I just got off the phone with a rather panicked Sebastian Boothe," Hudson started.

"Did he stab someone close by?" Deeks asked. "That's what he did the last time I saw him panicked."

"Steve Johnson told me you're known in the department for having a sense of humor so I'm going to figure that was a joke."

"Because getting stabbed is high comedy." Deeks sighed. "Since I'm assuming Mr. Boothe didn't stab anyone, is there some reason he's panicked and I'm somehow involved?"

"Where did you have dinner last night?"

Since he figured Boothe was paying Dalton, Andrews by the hour, Deeks decided run up the bill. "If Mr. Boothe is concerned I'm not eating well, tell him not to worry. I had a good dinner last night and currently am enjoying a no-meat breakfast burrito. Breakfast, as I'm sure you know, is the most important meal of the day." That earned a smile from Nell.

"Were you at Nobu in Malibu last night?"

"Where I was or wasn't last night, Mr. Hudson, is not a concern of Mr. Boothe or your firm. And if you have someone following me..."

"Mr. Boothe is worried you're following him. Frightened actually."

"Was Mr. Boothe at Nobu last night?"

"Yes, he was. And he said he saw you in the restaurant."

"With a friend. And my friend's boss, who invited us to have dinner with him, and the boss's wife. If Mr. Boothe was there, I didn't see him. I am currently living not far from Mr. Boothe's Sea Lane Drive residence so chances are I'll see him or he'll see me every now and again. So, again, I'll go back to what I told you and Mr. Boothe last Friday. Unless he's a suspect in another crime, I have no interest in Sebastian Boothe. Mr. Hudson, I don't know why you're wasting my time with this."

"Have a good day, Detective," Hudson told him. Deeks felt the attorney lacked a certain bit of sincerity.

Deeks hung up, looked at Nell and shrugged. She picked up her tablet, typed something and went back to work. When he cellphone chirped, he looked and saw a text message. "You'd have been a really good lawyer, Detective." showed up in his messages.

Nell was gone after about twenty minutes, leaving Deeks with four FISA warrant requests to be written for continuing NCIS investigations and a switch to KCRW - probably better than the person or persons listening deserved. He made a note to bring in his 'car to himself' CDs - little Kenny Loggins, a little Toto, maybe some Journey to round out the playlist.

Just before one, the desk sergeant called asking if he wanted Chloe Farr sent up. He agreed and waited for her at the door.

"Hey babe," Kensi as Chloe said, kissing him before strolling into his office. She wore a black sheer blouse, knee-length black skirt and red boots. "I'm finished with work until next Monday, how about taking a few days and playing hooky?"

Deeks looked at and smiled. Obviously, playing for the listening device, he told her "love to but I'm drowning in paper work..."

"Aww," Kensi whined, "all work and no play makes Marty a dull guy."

"Not all of us can be superstars like you, sugar bear. Where do you want to go for lunch?"

"Made reservations at Kendall's."

"We got dinner tonight at Duke's with Mac."

"I'll find room for it."

"I'm sure you will."

"By the way, clear your calendar for brunch, Sunday. Arthur wants to talk to you about some of your cases."

"Chloe, you know I don't like talking..."

"He's taking us to Geoffrey's," she told him. "I know you don't like talking shop but he thinks there is a real television series about a long term undercover cop."

"Who sits and shuffles papers all day. Thrilling."

"Please, Marty. Just give him a listen. I never thought I'd leave the Marines but Arthur is a great boss, the work is fun, nobody's going to try to kill you and the money is ridiculous."

"Duly noted," he told her. "Let's go."

The two enjoyed some general chit-chat walking to her Range Rover. Once in the vehicle, Kensi announced that there were no listening devices, "it's clean."

Pulling a crumpled Twix wrapper out of the passenger cup, "Clean, really?"

Kensi pulled into traffic. "Arthur really does want to talk to you. He loved you. Thought you were funny, loved that you went to law school, that you're..."

"Kensi, you do realize we're going back to our regular lives when this is over?"

"Oh, I know. It's just..."

"Yes," Deeks looked at her and lifted an eyebrow.

"After everything that happened to you earlier this year, after Boothe hurting you, don't you think maybe you deserve some downtime?"

"I had the entire summer off, remember?"

She smiled at him. "I remember. You catch Boothe, you could take a leave of absence, work with Arthur. Maybe get a little money and we could live..."

"You like the house," Deeks smiled.

"Maybe," Kensi sniffed. "Maybe, I like the company."

"You're leaving me for Matthew?" Deeks feigned heartbreak.

"Yes, I've decided to run off with the one LAPD detective who is more insane than you," Kensi was laughing. "And I'm suing for custody of Monty."

Lunch was public and fun with a little on the job flirting, hand-holding as well as some pretty good food. Back in the office, Deeks managed to plow through the day's paperwork. An e-mail from Nell confirmed what he thought - the listening device was generic, untraceable, readily available in spy shops and even eBay.

Last minute, Deeks decided to switch dinner from Duke's to barbecuing at the house. The call from Michael Hudson changed Deeks's mind about dinner at another Malibu restaurant. Instead, he grilled up some salmon with lemon, red potatoes and asparagus. The adventures of Matthews and Martin were replaced by tales of Kensi and Deeks, mismatched law enforcement partners turned something more. Matt smiled throughout.

Long after dinner, before going to bed, Matt sent a text saying that Boothe's Maybach 57 was at Chart House for dinner. Matt took a quick ride to the restaurant and saw Boothe leave with Michael Hudson and Elizabeth Kelly. The three drove off in separate cars. Matt was back in the guest house and calling it a night.

"Think Sam and Callen shook up Elizabeth Kelly?" Kensi asked after reading the text.

"She was worried when she spoke to me. Probably called Hudson when Sam and Callen showed up and Hudson called me. She's doing more ass covering."

"And Boothe?"

"Probably getting the lay of the land. See how loyal Elizabeth Kelly and Hudson are. If Steve Johnson told Hudson what he told me, Hudson may be covering his ass too. I need to talk to Hetty and Bates. See how far I can push Boothe, his probation officer, Elizabeth Kelly, even Hudson."

"Johnson said they'd tie you up in court."

"And maybe Boothe is afraid of being under oath. Tomorrow I'll check and see if he was ever in court before his arrest."

"You said he didn't have a record."

"Criminal record. I'm interested in who sued Boothe Financial. Was Sebastian Boothe ever deposed? Ever put his hand up and swear to tell the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth. God, more hours of paperwork tomorrow. Nell told me I'd have made a great lawyer today, this is exactly why I'm not a lawyer."

"Are you coming to bed, all this legal talk is making me sleepy."

Deeks looked at her and smiled. "Let me make sure everything's locked up and the alarms are set. Then maybe I can come up with something a little more exciting to talk about in bed."

"Promises, promises," she said as she walked up the steps. Deeks made quick work of setting the alarm and checking the locks.

It was just before 5AM when Monty started howling. "I'll get him," Deeks told a mostly sleeping Kensi.

Deeks slipped downstairs barefoot in a tee-shirt and pajama bottoms to find an agitated Monty. "What's wrong, boy?" Deeks asked. The dog started to the front door and actually hit into it. "Stay," Deeks told the dog before running upstairs. Kensi was sleeping so he grabbed his keys, gun, phone and Toms shoes.

As he put the leash on Monty, Deeks called Matt and hit speaker.


"Matthew, can you see anyone outside the front gate?" Deeks asked as he opened the door. He had the leash and phone in his left hand, gun in his right. Monty started dragging Deeks to front gate.

"What? Hold on, I'll check."

"Monty's running to the gate, Matthew, I'm checking."

"No, stay there, I'll be out in a second."

"Tell that to my dog," Deeks said as he hung up. He pushed his phone into his pajama pocket next to his keys. He hooked Monty's leash around a small lemon tree near the gate. As he cracked open the front gate with his weapon drawn, Deeks saw three men in suits with their weapons drawn and a fourth with his iPhone being held up to a megaphone.

"Oh for God's sakes," Deeks lowered his gun. "Did you boys all graduate Quantico just to torture my dog for Assistant Director Miller?"

"Would you get in the car, please, Detective?"

"No, I'm going back to the house, calling LAPD, NCIS and probably the Humane Society on your guys. Maybe let PETA know so they can picket the FBI offices or show up at Andrea Miller's political rallies." Deeks turned to leave but Monty started wailing again.

"I can do this all morning, Detective," the FBI Agent with the megaphone told Deeks.

"Fine, could I at least put on a pair of pants?" Deeks asked as he started moving his feet.

"Now, Detective," a second FBI Agent walked up to him and relieved him of his gun. "Your phone, too." He put his hand out.

Deeks looked down, defeated. Kicking some dirt around, Deeks he handed the FBI Agent his phone. "I just got this phone," Deeks told the Fed, wondering where in the hell was Matthew. "Don't break it."

Deeks got into the car hoping the FBI wouldn't look down. As the car he was in pulled out, Deeks saw the front gate open again. He hoped Matthew or Kensi would see what he left them in the dirt - FBI written in big letters.

"Is this about the tire I shot out?" Deeks asked, making the decision to be the worst backseat passenger ever as they drove down the PCH. "Because I can go back to the house and write a check."

"Or you can be quiet, Detective," the driver told him.

Deeks loved a challenge. "So tell me, what was Quantico like? I've never been to Virginia but I've been to thirty seven other states. Washington State, Oregon, California, of course - I live here - New Mexico, Nevada, hey, have you guys been to Vegas..." He planned on making this a long ride.


Deeks sat in the FBI's Los Angeles Office interrogation room for about ten minutes before Andrea Miller walked in with a full head of steam.

"What do you have against me?" she said as she sat across the table from him.

"How long you got?"

"You know, I thought you were in over your head years ago but I thought you were an honorable man."

"Excuse me?"

"You were way out of your league but you looked like the typical 'I had a lousy childhood so I'm going to do good things in this world' cop."

"Funny, an IA cop once said something like that to me. He wound up in jail."

"Is that what you've got planned for me? Set me up and send me to jail?"

"First, everyone I've sent to jail broke the law. Second, you megalomaniac, I have nothing planned for you. Until you dragged me out of bed a couple of Sundays ago, I hadn't thought of you in years."

Miller tried to stare him down. "You're lying."

"I have no idea what you are talking about. I was sound asleep when my dog freaked out. One of your evil minions was terrorizing him with an iPhone dog whistle and a bullhorn. I get dragged here in my pajamas. What is wrong with you? Do you have something about me getting a decent night sleep? Do you hate dogs?"

"You lied about me."

"About what? What the hell is going on here?"

The door to the interrogation room opened. "Assistant Director Miller, if you will," an older man signaled for her to leave.

As Miller stood to walk out, Hetty walked in carrying a small duffle bag. "Miss Miller, in the future if you want to speak with Det. Deeks, please put your request in writing to both my office and Lt. Bates's office. This morning's actions were outrageous and when I return to my office, I plan to have a long talk with Director Comey."

"He's telling lies about me," Miller said to Hetty as she started to leave. "Tell the Director about that."

Once they were alone, Deeks looked at Hetty. "I'm sorry about this."

"Detective, while I understand you were worried about your dog, it was foolish of you to leave the beach house without telling Miss Blye and it was equally foolish to open the front gate when Det. Bernhart expressly asked you to wait."

"I know, but ..."

"No buts, Mr. Deeks. Everyone is working around the clock on this operation. Det. Bernhart and Miss Blye are particularly invested in your safety. Both were quite upset when you were gone." Hetty handed him the duffle bag. "Your weapon, your phone and a pair of pants from your work go-bag."

"Thank you."

"The observation room has been cleared, the cameras are off. You can change in here and I'll drive you back to the beach house."

"Is that a good idea?"

"Had you not disappeared after Det. Bernhart asked you to wait, he could have told you that Sebastian Boothe's Porsche Cayenne left the Sea Lane Drive house not long after the FBI took you away."

"Where was he going?" Deeks asked as he took his gun, phone and pants out of the bag.

"Miss Blye checked the auto's mapping system. He's driving up to Santa Barbara. He just bought a $25 million Fernald Point estate last weekend. He told his parole officer the new home is closer to the CMC where he's working once a week for the next year as part of his release agreement. He also said he wanted a fresh start."

"Or someplace new to start killing people," Deeks told her. "Let me change and we'll..."

"Mr. Deeks, you change. I've sent Mr. Hanna and Mr. Callen to follow Boothe to his new home and to investigate his plans for it. While Santa Barbara is an expensive community, $25 million can buy you a great deal of privacy and property." Hetty left. Deeks quickly slipped out of his pajama bottoms and into his pants. He hooked his belt holster into place and checked his weapon.

Walking down the hall with Hetty as they exited, Deeks saw Andrea Miller behind a glass wall in the yelling into a speaker phone. "Good luck," he mumbled to the agents as he and Hetty walked to the elevator. It wasn't even 7AM - Andrea Miller, she ruins more people's days before breakfast than most people do during the rest of the day.

As Hetty turned from the I10 to the PCH, Deeks's phone rang. "Deeks, don't even go to the PAB this morning, you're to come right here once your partner's boss drops you back to the cover house," Bates told him.

"I'm sorry I left..."

"Don't be sorry, stop doing stupid things. Of you and Bernhart, I expect him to do stupid things. I expect you not to shut up. So you can come here and explain yourself, something you're good at. And tell Bernhart to answer his goddamn phone," Bates barked before hanging up.

Deeks looked at his phone and dialed Matt's cell. It rang three times before going to voicemail. A second call to the landline phone at the guest house also went to voicemail after several rings. He tried calling Kensi's cellphone but that just went straight to voicemail. His next call was to Eric.

"Hey Deeks."

"Eric, can you look inside the house?"

"Sure," Deeks heard Eric working the keyboard. "What am I looking for?"

"Kensi, Matthew, anyone."

Deeks heard Eric working the keyboard, "The house looks empty. I'm checking Det. Bernhart's place. Nothing there either. I can see Monty in the yard but no Kensi and no Det. Bernhart."

"Shit, can you call 911 and get someone there now?"

"On it." Eric said before disconnecting.

"Mr. Deeks?" Hetty was visibly concerned.

"Nobody's answering at the houses, Kensi's phone is going straight to voicemail and Eric can't see anyone on the grounds. Dammit."

"Mr. Deeks, we're almost there." Hetty changed lanes and tired to pick up some speed.

No, we're not, Deeks thought looking at the morning traffic. No, we're not.


Sorry for the evil cliffhanger last week. Sorry for the evil cliffhanger this week. I like cliffhangers.

Thanks for reading. We're in the home stretch, thanks for taking the ride with me.

ncis:los_angeles, fanfic

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