Welcome to Tesladyne! Science while you wait.

Apr 14, 2010 12:38

The door is a free standing frame on a small plywood dais at the focus of a tremendous amount of cabling and particle emitters. The whole area smells of ozone.

"Watch the step. The platform's cheaper to replace than the floor if the focus wanders."Tesladyne's high energy (dimensional) physics area is done in early twenty first century ( Read more... )

milliways, jordan, oom

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evilontheloose April 14 2010, 18:48:03 UTC
Jordan pauses to look around, then takes a deep breath. "I love the scent of ozone and four-dimensional anomalies... you know, that fresh scent of reality on the brink? I should find a way to make air fresheners scented like that and sell to science types."

"Or make a drink flavored like that."


evilontheloose April 23 2010, 07:19:56 UTC
Jordan gives the man a raised brow and a nod.

She really doubts the 'same side' thing, the Evil Genius is in her own side.


tesla_bot April 24 2010, 04:01:30 UTC
At least half of that was to Jenkins anyway.

Jenkins, who is looking at the end of the range consideringly, "Not bad. How's she with the regular science guns?"

"Hadn't tried her out yet," replies Robo, "How about it Jordan, you up for a try with the company gadgets?"


evilontheloose April 24 2010, 04:03:16 UTC
Oh, that sounds like a nice challenge and makes Jordan smile. "I'm always ready."

New gadgets are always fun to explore.


tesla_bot April 24 2010, 19:49:39 UTC
"This," says Robo as he produces a bulky gun of white composites and enameled metal, "Is the 2009 model of the Tesladyne Science Rifle. Safety is here, trigger here, and power cells here plus the external power port. It has ten settings, here, don't set it above four if you want to find remains of what you hit, don't set it above seven if you want the gun to not blow up. If you shoot me or anyone on staff with it without a very, very good reason you're fired."

Ear protectors first, and over to one of the regular lanes. Then, have a gun Jordan.

"This one is locked to level one. Go on."

Regular paper target at the far end. You spend money on things that aren't intended to be destroyed several times a day.


evilontheloose April 25 2010, 02:54:01 UTC
First thing to be known, is that Jordan is stronger than she seems: the girl hefts the gun, tests its balance, then opens the safety, taking aim.

Second thing to be known, is that Jordan is a good shot. Of course, target practice is no combat drill, but as far as accuracy goes, she is good.


tesla_bot April 25 2010, 15:44:16 UTC
Jenkins grunts again before saying to Jordan, "Easier on the control for the recoil, it's actually two smaller pushes, not just one large knock."

Capacitor flex causes the smaller of the two.

"That's Jenkins for 'Not bad, now try it again'."

"How come she's a better shot than I am?" comes from the back of the crowd again.


evilontheloose April 26 2010, 08:20:47 UTC
Jordan had noted the dual-kickback. "Ever thought about putting a k-sink in to handle the recoil?" The next series is more precise, as she grows used to the gun.

Oh, the question makes her smirk and speak louder: "Eight years of practice..."


tesla_bot April 28 2010, 03:28:27 UTC
"We've had issues getting reliable production of sufficiently shock hardened ones for anything that costs less than the rest of the gun," admits Robo, "Besides, I love the look on a mooks face when they try the gun for the first time and have no idea what it's doing after they grab it from me."

Jenkins almost seems to perk up at the eight years mention. The narration suspects he want Jordan to come and humiliate the next batch of fresh geeks off the boat.


evilontheloose April 28 2010, 08:29:10 UTC
"Hmm, true, that would be pretty funny." Her own weapons are usually rigged to explode, but for her it is much easier to link weapon and owner.

Asking Jordan to weed out the newbies? Well, it would reduce the number of new people drastically, but they would also end with only the good ones.


tesla_bot April 28 2010, 18:09:01 UTC
Eh, Robo can takes small arms fire to the face. Having the guns explode would just be a safety hazard. Of course Jenkins is a safety hazard too.

"That'll do for a provisional pass. Talk to the range master," Jenkins stops to point out an older man in a Tesladyne jumpsuit, "To get a real certification some time."

"Well that's the immediate things," says Robo, "And we're ahead of schedule. By now there's usually been a -"


"Ah, there we go. Coming?"

Most of the room is heading for a door marked 'Safe Room 5-B', or it was before the placard was slipped out and reversed to read 'Janitorial 5-B'.


evilontheloose April 28 2010, 18:39:22 UTC
Oh, explosions are always interesting; Jordan rests down the gun and follows, wondering what blunder caused the nice 'boom'.


tesla_bot April 28 2010, 23:05:40 UTC
A sufficiently keen eyed glance at one of the standardized evacuation maps along the hall with some mental arithmetic would suggest the explosion came from the test area for humanitarian developments; things like water purifiers, mini-generators and tiny portable fridges for medical supplies.

"Anyone remember what was scheduled for trials right now?" asks Robo, "Generators are next week, so..."

"I think it's rapid build shelters."


evilontheloose April 29 2010, 05:37:57 UTC
Check, check, check; all those she is familiar with, since all those are also very useful for setting an emergency base out in the middle of nowhere. "Well, explosions are useful for quick digging..."


tesla_bot May 1 2010, 23:07:52 UTC
"It better not be," grouses Robo, "We just re-stabilized that side of the island after the last giant robot debacle."

Bipedal walkers are hard, a target for every grunt with an RPG and something that Action Scientist keep trying to build.

Elevator again, then more jogging though corridors that have emptied themselves. Except, of course, for the other emergency response teams. Some join with the group heading up, others wave as they move to locations in case things that to spread.


evilontheloose May 2 2010, 00:54:21 UTC
Oh, humanoid mecha... Jordan still hopes to overcome the design flaws of the concept and deploy one sometime soon.

But, business at hand: she jogs after Robo, keeping her arm ready to fire if needed.

Stun setting for now.


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