I dreamt last night that I was writing fanfic

Sep 06, 2014 13:43

And I wonder if it will come true? No, it's not coy. It's not seeking response. I was on Pristiq and I've been off it for a while. I think it suppressed writing...

But I also dreamed that Nathan Fillion didn't love me any more, and I know that's not true. I'm a Browncoat!

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Comments 8

herself_nyc September 6 2014, 20:35:19 UTC
NF loves you, of course he does.

And I'd be happy if you wrote fanfic again.


tesla321 September 6 2014, 23:58:13 UTC
I know NF loves me, I went to see Waitress in the theatre! And thanks! I heard "Behind Blues Eyes" and started thinking of Spike.


herself_nyc September 7 2014, 02:58:33 UTC
That's definitely a Spike song.


makd September 6 2014, 20:56:54 UTC
Sweetie, that was not a dream; it was a nightmare.

And yes, Nathan loves you...he loves you a LOT, and he's waiting, patiently for you to write Mal/River....


tesla321 September 6 2014, 23:58:58 UTC
O, temptress...


samsom September 7 2014, 03:32:03 UTC
Maybe it'll come back then, maybe your dream was a portent.

I don't even get plot bunnies, or one-shot bunnies, anymore. But I was watching Tabula Rasa clips on YouTube the other day and it seemed that there was a glimmer there for a second.


tesla321 September 7 2014, 12:10:18 UTC
I have too many fandoms. I own all of Battlestar Galactica, and seen all of Doctor Who and Game of Thrones. I think I always go from watching character enough to hear their voice...then came the AU. But I have to get away from using my iPad, because I can barely type--I can't write with one hand!


wendelah1 September 9 2014, 01:03:03 UTC
It might have. I have heard other people say they thought their meds suppressed creativity. Feeling depressed suppressed mine. I'm much better in every way if I stay on my meds.


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