Title: Trade Partners Author: Tesla and Starlet Category: crossover Content: Angel and Cordelia friendship, Mulder and Scully friendship Summary: Two agents come to Angel Investigations to check out exsanguinations ( Read more... )
I lurve this story so much, I re-read it every few months. I love the visual of Scully & Angel and Mulder & Cordelia, separately and together bonding in their unique ways. Love the way Scully and Angel hate Mulder and Cordelia. Love Scully telling Angel that Mulder wears Armani, and Angel telling her that they won't be back tonight. (He really does have, like, a gay man's taste in clothes. ;-)) Love how Angel has to convince Scully he's Irish. Love...ah hell, I love the whole damned fic.
Since Kelley put up Mulder as one of the Five Boyfriends Cordelia Totally Could Have Had, I reminded her of this. She gave me permission to put her name back on it, and voila!
THe thought of Mulder & Cordy making out at the observatory just cracked me up -- this was so much fun. So glad you posted this!!
You know I've never seen X-Files -- although I love DD the show was a hit when my RL had no room for it -- but between this and your Vamp!Mulder stories, I'm tempted to check it out.
Thanks, I saw that when I opened up the e-mail with your comment----goes to fix----X Files was my first fandom and I wrote a lot of it for a few years.
for which I won awards but I've made up for it since by never winning anything in the Jossverse. So we're still in the same club, 'kay?
Fun enough---the Sci Fi Channel is re-running them enough to have ignited my old Mulderlove. I just can't write Mulder/Scully any more. It's just not there in my mind.
Never mind, it's found now. God, I love your memories. It's a beautiful thing. Like this fic. Grumpy Scully! I kept picturing her during Bad Blood. Now I wish Angel and Co. had been in it instead of Lucius Harwell. Hee!
And Cordelia falling for the cut of Mulder's suit. And the flirting! You know those two would be zeroing in on each other. And Scully would be over in a corner next to Angel, "Sure. Fine. Whatever."ing all over the place. Angel's face would just get more and more nuetral until it looked like it was carved from wood.
This was truly a co-written venture, which is fun for me but I imagine less fun for any of my co-writers, as I tend to write, read it once, then post it in the matter of slinging spaghetti against the wall to test it. I usually pick up typos as I begin replying to comments. Kel? Not at all like me, what with the professionalism and the betas!
Comments 9
Love Scully telling Angel that Mulder wears Armani, and Angel telling her that they won't be back tonight. (He really does have, like, a gay man's taste in clothes. ;-)) Love how Angel has to convince Scully he's Irish. Love...ah hell, I love the whole damned fic.
You know I've never seen X-Files -- although I love DD the show was a hit when my RL had no room for it -- but between this and your Vamp!Mulder stories, I'm tempted to check it out.
Oh, you might want to add an extra line underneath the header, it is hard to spot where the story starts.
for which I won awards but I've made up for it since by never winning anything in the Jossverse. So we're still in the same club, 'kay?
I can't see the actual X Files so I've started reading your vamp!Mulder instead.
Never mind, it's found now. God, I love your memories. It's a beautiful thing. Like this fic. Grumpy Scully! I kept picturing her during Bad Blood. Now I wish Angel and Co. had been in it instead of Lucius Harwell. Hee!
And Cordelia falling for the cut of Mulder's suit. And the flirting! You know those two would be zeroing in on each other. And Scully would be over in a corner next to Angel, "Sure. Fine. Whatever."ing all over the place. Angel's face would just get more and more nuetral until it looked like it was carved from wood.
I just loved all if it.
This was truly a co-written venture, which is fun for me but I imagine less fun for any of my co-writers, as I tend to write, read it once, then post it in the matter of slinging spaghetti against the wall to test it. I usually pick up typos as I begin replying to comments. Kel? Not at all like me, what with the professionalism and the betas!
So be sure and tell Kel how much you enjoyed it!
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