Doctor Who is Fandom_Wanking at the moment, and I'm anonymous in the comments (thus the previous request), and it's mainly Rose vs. Martha, but of course there is Nine vs. Ten and Nine/Rose vs. Ten/Rose in the comments as well
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Yeah, well, the wank is stupid and I got dragged in by a drama queen because I was the editor on duty that day and I felt sorry for the girl for my typical snarky link because she's on my flist. Little did I know she was trolling for fandom attention.
I have so little patience for this sort of crap you don't even know.
As far as the story? Yeah, definitely read after hours. *fanself*
Yow. Me and the sonic screwdriver and this fic? We need some alone time, kthx.
There was a line in there about Jack not being a White Picket Fence kind of guy. I'm working on the Tome o' Doom and Jack talks about wanting a home, and Rose laughs because she can't see Jack with a picket fence and a dog, and he agrees that maybe that's a bit much. I may have to change that.
(Also? While reading, I had Queen's "Somebody to Love" on repeat. It went well.)
that 's right wht ineedet break the iceand metlthe nerves soemwhat. thanks. {Hugs}}
do yo umea nhejack for torchwood or the jacktha made you crossoverdrwho with torchwood (or wasnt'there such a jack at all an havei jsut been confused by not knowing enough)
Jack from Doctor Who got separated from the Doctor and somehow, through ways that we don't understand yet, wound up working for Torchwood in Cardiff, which is what the spinoff "Torchwood" is about. (There's also a branch of Torchwood in London, which the Doctor runs across at the end of Season 2). So it's the same Jack, if I understood your question correctly.
Yep! "Torchwood" is an anagram of "Doctor Who". Apparently they stored film from Doctor Who in canisters marked "Torchwood" so they wouldn't get stolen, and I guess somebody saw a marketing opportunity and ran with it.
Torchwood is nothing like Doctor Who, though, and definitely NOT for kids.
Comments 9
And, have you ever read this....
Jack/Rose and OMG HAWT!
Re the fic, based on the warning I'll have to wait until there aren't small people reading over my shoulder to read it...
I have so little patience for this sort of crap you don't even know.
As far as the story? Yeah, definitely read after hours. *fanself*
There was a line in there about Jack not being a White Picket Fence kind of guy. I'm working on the Tome o' Doom and Jack talks about wanting a home, and Rose laughs because she can't see Jack with a picket fence and a dog, and he agrees that maybe that's a bit much. I may have to change that.
(Also? While reading, I had Queen's "Somebody to Love" on repeat. It went well.)
do yo umea nhejack for torchwood or the jacktha made you crossoverdrwho with torchwood (or wasnt'there such a jack at all an havei jsut been confused by not knowing enough)
Torchwood is nothing like Doctor Who, though, and definitely NOT for kids.
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