New zine! "All my friends are mountains"

Jan 03, 2012 16:46

It's been said that the Kurds have no friends but the mountains ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

qalanjo January 3 2012, 05:21:06 UTC
Yo I'm buying this now. Can't wait to read them all.


terrorgore January 3 2012, 06:07:14 UTC
Hey brilliant! Shukran habibti!


qalanjo January 3 2012, 17:00:29 UTC


zebrallama January 3 2012, 05:52:49 UTC
Hey, I didn't know you were in Aotearoa. Did I? Please visit if you're ever in Sydney.


terrorgore January 3 2012, 06:06:37 UTC
Hey, no, I'm here for the summer (as summery as Dunedin gets, anyway) - but I'm coming to Australia in February! Are you in Syd (not Wollongong?)? I'd love to visit!


zebrallama January 3 2012, 06:09:41 UTC
Ooh, great.

I'm in Wollongong, but I consider it part of Sydney! LOL. It's only 90 minutes away by car, and not much more by train. And then our alpacas and their friends the rescued cows (and a goose and a bunch of wildlife) are another hour further south. See

I'll be teaching in Canberra from Wednesday to Friday from the 22nd of February onwards. Apart from that I'm pretty free.


terrorgore January 3 2012, 06:37:01 UTC
Your alpaca friends look delightful and I don't think anything would make me happier than making their acquaintance! Do you teach at ANU? Which department? I have the misfortune to come from Canberra, mostly because of academic parents.

Also I see Nemo in the photos! There is the half degree of separation. I only met him a couple times but he's a good friend of a friend...


zebrallama January 3 2012, 08:31:42 UTC
Oh, cool. My wife's a linguist. What's your mum's name? (Mrs Terrorgore, I suppose.)

I've worked in an Earth Sciences department, but only literally. My department ran out of space once and plonked me in the Earth Sciences building! But that was at Sydney Uni.


terrorgore January 6 2012, 02:25:06 UTC
Haha! Her name is Helen McLagan, she was at ANU in the late 90s & first half of 2000s... she did her masters on Old English. Does your wife teach at ANU? Actually, if she has any strong opinions on studying ling in Melbourne I'd love to pick her brain!


zebrallama January 15 2012, 09:16:05 UTC
She says you're welome to phone her. Can you phone Australian mobiles? Her name's Alison, and her number's 0425 330 861. She's head of linguistics (which means theoretical linguistics and ESL, not languages) at Wollongong Uni.


terrorgore January 17 2012, 03:17:46 UTC
Hey wow, that's lovely! Australian mobiles are a bit expensive to call from here, has she got a landline or email it'd be cool to contact her on? Cheers!


zebrallama January 3 2012, 10:07:33 UTC
P.S. My wife is now having fun trying to guess who your mum is.


decamerenne January 3 2012, 17:23:50 UTC
Oh, rad, I want to buy one.

But via the website, annoyingly but not surprisingly, I'm not allowed to enter my current address in Greece since my PayPal is US-based. If I just "pay-friended" you the $6.70 & emailed you my address, would that be okay?


terrorgore January 3 2012, 21:18:26 UTC
Hey yes, I have this problem all the time, fucking pay-not-my-friend! If you want to do that it would be grand, & we can bump it down to $6.50 'cos there won't be Etsy fees to contend with.

Giant thanks! xx


decamerenne February 21 2012, 07:01:57 UTC
Oh man, I totally forgot to deal with this, but I'm still interested! Do you have any left?


terrorgore February 21 2012, 10:38:06 UTC
Yeah for sure! I'm in Australia now though where international postage is a smidgen more dear :( It's $4.70 postage now. Is $7.50 all up okay?


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