Here's the first of two side fic requests I've been working on. The other one has been sent to the betas, and with the great timing I have, I managed to catch my betas at bad times when I submitted both of these ficlets. =P Anywho, this first one is for 'Wingless', and if you can believe, this side fic is coming eight years after writing that
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Comments 22
Thanks for the Baccano! rec, have it, haven't watched it yet, must do so now.
*runs off to read the fic*
Baccano! was a huge surprise. nekofreak told me about it, but I had completely forgotten the details she had told me by the time I watched it. I'll warn you on two things. First, the time jumping is very confusing at the beginning, but oddly enough, it makes the story that much more exciting to have it all over the place. Give yourself at least two or three episodes to get used to it. Second, it's rather gruesome, like someone being pushed against railroad tracks while the train is moving and body parts fly gruesome, but it's anime, so I could handle it... while looking away at ( ... )
I'll heed your warning about Baccano!, thanks. I don't think I'm easily impressed by anime gore but we'll see. Will let you know one day how it went.
Please note how I didn't even mention last night's game. *is gracious...not* ;)
Mmmm Baccano! I must get those dvds and force it on mum. She's going to love the crazy. How can people not love in all that blood >.> I ship Maiza/Firo actually and even wrote a drabble thing of that pairing ages back. This just tells me I need to watch the series again. After I finish watching Natsume Yujincho.
Can I stay home from work and just watch anime all day? *grin* And read the fic you've posted. Gonna leave myself a note to do that tonight after work <3
I know I'm out of the anime loop when I've just now heard of Baccano!, but hey, this works in my favor since you guys can tell me about all of the good ones. Vino was definitely sexy. I seriously was purring when he was revealed. All of that crazy in one beautiful, blood-covered package... What's not to love?
Just remember that work gets you money, and therefore, more anime to love. That's why I'm anxious to start work again - to make my own money and to stop draining my savings accounts and my parents money. That way, I can buy stuff and not feel guilty about it.
You can link me to that fic if you managed to find it. Overall, I have to admit that I'm not eager to find ficcage for Baccano. You know me - I don't see pairings just because two males share the same space in a series. I usually get interested when there is an intense relationship, e.g. through rivalries like SxS and Harry/Draco. I didn't really get that feeling with any of the characters in Baccano except for the pairings already there, and in all honesty, I like those pairings. Most of them are pretty cute, if a little bit disturbing. :)
The author of the original novels just got another of his shows animated, Durarara!! It's up streaming on crunchyroll or you can find fansubs. Only 8 or so eps are out, though. It's modern day Tokyo with gangs and a headless Irish fairy. Not quite as action-packed as Baccano!, but a lot easier to follow, story-wise.
I also know some good fanfics from the Baccano! comm from a year or two ago, if you're interested in recs.
/random reader
And y'know, I downloaded a couple eps of 'Durarara!!' a few weeks ago due to some fanarts getting me interested, but I haven't watched them yet. While searching for more info about 'Baccano!', I was so surprised to see that 'Durarara!!' was by the same person. I will definitely have to check it out, assuming the author continues with the knack of characterization and story-telling.
I definitely won't refuse some 'Baccano!' fanfic recs, but I'll warn you, I'm so horribly picky with fanfiction. I prefer the stuff with some semblance of plot, which shouldn't be a surprise given my own writings. ^^; I read only a handful of authors these days because I keep getting frustrated and stop searching for new fiction.
On another note, I think Skid is just seeking attention with his toilet paper destructive behavior :) that or he's got too much energy. Either way u probably should play with him to channel his energy but then again its a good think he's fixated on toilet paper rather than... say, your shoes or your couch :D
Love your Vino icon too and good luck with your job search.
I just started ch4 of OWS, so it will be coming, probably by the beginning of next month... assuming that my betas don't make me rewrite the thing. ;)
*laugh* If that's the case with Skid, then I'm going to be fucked whenever I start work again. I play with him for about a total of an hour in the day, mostly around lunch time, around dinner, and then before bed. The little bastard still wakes me up at 4am, and then whines at 8am when I'm not up and moving. And that's when the tiolet paper incident happened - around 7-8am when I hadn't gone to bed until after 1am. Skid just seems to get into moods, and at this point, I think I'm doomed to getting a second cat. ^^;
Vino is love, that's for certain. And thanks for the luck! I'll need it.
Thank you so much! <3
Though it really sounds a little like a prologue for a sequel... but I won't ask that from you XD
...though it would be nice X3
Thank you so much again!
But hey, I'm so glad that you liked it! I was a bit worried that it wouldn't match what you were imagining for your request. It's relief that you liked it. And thank you for being patient! It's annoying that it has taken me this long to finish these requests. ^^;
I've got THE idea! XD
If you're going to take on some new request (some time in the future) I'm going to request another 'one shot' after this one XDDD
Just to annoy you XDDD
No, just kidding!
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