Title: Le Bal Masque Kobol
Pairing: Ayani/Taylor/Wash
Genre: PWP
Word Count: 7210
Rating: R
Summary: It takes two to tango, it takes two to say 'I do'. It most certainly takes two to get Alicia Washington in this situation.
Author's Note: Done for my lovely Bamfettes over on twitter. I swear, you ladies inspire everything I do xD
May I have this dance? )
Comments 12
I'll never be able to figure out exactly HOW you make things so sexy but you ALWAYS DO. It's absolute madness. The masquerade and the imagery with their costumes and the dancing....guh, the dancing.
And Taylor giving orders...
That may have broken my brain a little. I will not lie to you. But it was totally worth it. Yes, indeed. YOU GODDESS.
Lololol absolute madness, you say? I THANK YOU! xD Won't lie, Zoe inspired the masquerade theme haha Oh yes. That woman and her inspiring ways.
I AM GLAD YOU ENJOYED IT! Even if I broke your brain a bit lolol xD <3
1. Wash and Ayani as black and white swans. Genius. Beautiful. A fantastic way to show them as two opposites joined by a love for each other and the one man in their lives.
2. Wash arching back into Taylor and teasing him back - GUH. I loved that moment when you sent it to me and I loved it even more in the course of the story. I ADORE proactive Wash.
3. Taylor trying to break Wash's concentration towards Ayani at the same time as demanding it remain o.o sohot.
4. The ENDING OMG. The thought of him giving Wash orders on how to pleasure his wife is just SINFULLY delicious. SINFULLY. OMG
Those are just the key moments my darling, I adored it all.
1. Thank you!! And it was all inspired by you! :D So I thank you a thousand times for it <3!
2. :D! Proactive Wash FOR THE WIN!
3. Heeee yes! I am glad cuz it was rlly hot in my head and I hoped to dear god it was still hot on screen XD
4. Grinning like a fox right now :D! <3! Thank you, my love!
I am glad! Oh yes indeed! <3!
And then the rest just made my brain melt into a gooey pile of sexy bliss. Smut goddess indeed. Orders. Giving orders..just...yeah, brain mush. Happy, happy mush!
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