Title: Nicest Thing
Characters/ Pairing: Wash/Taylor/Ayani
Genre: Romance, Friendship, PWP
Word Count: 10,981 altogether
Rating: R
Spoilers: PreSeries, PreSomalia
Summary: He’d never know what he did or how he came to deserve them, but nothing made his chest swell with more pride and adoration than when they were asleep against him.
Authors Note: Part 2
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Comments 12
*snuggles* You ninja. You are your insane talent for making things sexy and wonderful and awesome. The smut was fabulous as usual but I think the last few paragraphs are my favorite. It just bespeaks such a trust, a closeness, that's absolutely lovely.
And hot damn was it hot.
*clutches* Once more for emphasis...you goddess.
*snuggles*! I thank you ^^! The last few paragraphs were originally nonexistent and then Sleepy!Nel was editing and was all BAM! EMOTION TIME, YO! :D I'z happy I made you happy ^^ <3
Heee You're so wonderful <3 thank you.
But I do hope you bless us with another T/W/T fic soon because those are just AMAZING!
LOVE this. Amazing and sexy and just wow.
I especially loved him turning the tables on them, being forceful but still loving, getting his own way.
Really, really fantastic gorgeous one.
And yes, the trust. That he can express his fear-driven anger at the possibility of losing them safely in a sexual situation. A hot sexual situation.
Fantastic work!
Thank you!
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