Title: Grab
Ship: Guzman/Mira
Genre: Drama/Romance
Rated: PG
Word Count: 951
Summary: A continuation of ‘
Alcohol’. While out in the middle of nowhere Guzman runs into the Mira.
A/N: Written for
Guzman/Mira -Grab by
morganel for ‘Friday One Word Fic Challenge’ -
Week 6. Guzman’s first name comes from
Thanks to
crystalkei for the beta and being awesome (any remaining errors
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Comments 14
I've been on the lookout for this like Daryl is for walkers. LOL
And I loved Skye's jealousy. I had a huge smile on my face as I read it. Those two are so amazing together.
You're a walking dead fan, I LOVE THAT SHOW, Daryl is my favorite.
Glad you liked these, thanks for the review!
One of his hands leaves her thighs and comes to the back of her neck, giving it a soft squeeze to draw her attention, pulling back to look at his face, their eyes meet and hold as his thrust become more urgent, with legs tight around his waist she meets his hips with her own one final time before an orgasm rips through both of them. Throwing her head back, she rides out the ripples, her mouth open in a cry that she’s sure can be heard through the hospital.
As she comes out of her haze, she finds his gaze still on her, his eyes watching her with a steadiness his own breath doesn’t match. She smiles into the tender kiss he gives her, her brow raised as he grins widely when they break apart.
I absolutely LOVE this bit. I love it because he wants to look at her and there's a tenderness there that is just perfect.
Anything for you babe <3 <3
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