Holmes/Watson rec list

Feb 08, 2010 15:26

 I have been sucked in to yet another fandom . . .

What I like/don't like: This list is primarily Holmes/Watson, with maybe the occasional gen fic thrown in on occasion. I didn't try to separate movieverse fics from fics based on the books or the tv show, they are all mixed togther.  I'm not a big fan of infidelity in fics, I also don't like threesomes, so you won't find fics that fit either of these criteria here. I'm a sucker for happy endings and for cliche plot devices, so there's lots of that in here too. This rec list is not complete, I'm still in the process of going through my links and bookmarks and organizing them. I'll try to update this fairly frequently.
I only included the occasional warning and no ratings at all. Therefore, read at your own risk.
Happy Reading.

These Things Were Promises-paperclipbitch
( paperclipbitch.livejournal.com/128436.html)
H/W pre-movieverse. A wonderful first time fic complete with middle of the night stakeouts and an excellent take on Watson.

The Greek Problem-Candle Beck
( candle-beck.livejournal.com/139780.html)
H/W Watson has a "Greek Problem"

This Day to the Ending of the World-Candle Beck
( candle-beck.livejournal.com/138811.html)
H/W A different interpretation of Holmes' and Watson's first meeting.

Change of Plans-blue_soaring
H/W A lovely PWP

A Hypothetical Question-zarah5
( zarah5.livejournal.com/55311.html)
H/W Holmes conducts a little experiment and gets the tables turned on him

An Inconvenient Moment-alba17
( alba17.livejournal.com/104973.html)
H/W Lestrade makes an inconveniently timed visit to Baker Street. This is hilarious!

Twelfth Night:Being a Parody of the Author's Work in one Act-katieforsythe
H/W I love this fic! Drunken confessions and an unusually assertive Watson.

Change, Or Lack Thereof-blacktofade
( shockselectric.livejournal.com/24136.html)
H/W I read this as post movieverse. Another great first time fic where Watson is oblivious

Sub Rosa-Professor Pangaea
( prof-pangaea.livejournal.com/115264.html)
Gen, hints of H/W This is epistolary fic in it's purest form and so completely in character. Messages exchanged between Holmes and Mycroft during the three year gap.

Holmes Mistake-pandapony
H/W A quintessential hurt/comfort first time fic. I love Watson with his pockets full of notes!

( moustache-wax.livejournal.com/6785.html)
H/W an enjoyable little first time fic that is well worth the read in spite of the fact that it ends rather abruptly.

H/W A slash version of "The Golden Pince-Nez"

The Injury-pandapony
H/W, off screen H/OMC, Holmes is injured in an embarrassing place.

Secret Admirer-pandapony
H/W Watson is, for once, on the knowing side of a conundrum :).

H/W, W/Dr. Agar, I normally don't like reading graphic descriptions of our boys with anyone but eachother. I'm willing to make an exception for this fic however, since it is the mechanism that gets our two characters together. Holmes walks in on watson with another man and proposes an alternative arrangement.

H/W, This is how I wish the reunion in "the Empty House" could have gone.

Old Wounds, Old Scars-pandapony
H/W I dearly love everything this author has written but this pair of stories is by and far my favorite. A wonderfully in depth look at what Watson suffered during the war and how it affects him afterwards.

and I can see you in my eyes-paperclipbitch
( paperclipbitch.livejournal.com/131655.html)
H/W Homes turns himself invisible. I'm not even kidding :).

amo, amas, amat-attentat
( attentat.livejournal.com/6731.html)
H/W Holmes/Watson set to Cattallus. Beautiful, just beautiful . . .

A Silly Phase-zarah5
( zarah5.livejournal.com/54837.html)
H/W I don't normally like deaging fic, especially in fandoms that don't normally lend themselves to magical or supernatural happenings, but this fic is charming, well written and a joy to read.

The Things We Say With our Hands-ariadnes_sting
H/W Watson has trouble with his leg. Lovely!

Sodomy, Gross Indecency, Fornication-anonymous
( sherlockkink.livejournal.com/439.html)
H/W A wonderful, tiny little ficlet from the Sherlock Holmes Kink meme.

Haunted and Revenant-rabidsamfan
( community.livejournal.com/cox_and_co/169431.html#cutid1)
( community.livejournal.com/cox_and_co/222687.html#cutid1)
H/W This is a great pair of fics, Watson centric, and gorgeous in it's portrayal of the after affects of his war wound. My only drawback is that I found the initial sex scene to be a bit unrealistic. The rest of the fic is good enough to make up for it, though.

Darned Socks-elena_c
( elena-c.livejournal.com/20350.html)
H/W-ish, This little fic is pure comedy. Holmes cheers Watson up.

H/W "One minute we were both on deck, and the next we were both in the river . . ."

H/W Epistolary fic. Lestrade's observations of Holmes' and Watson's relationship.

The Case of the Missing Flat Mate-nir_alicia
H/W Wonderful first time fic. Holmes gets kissed on the cheek, Watson gets jealous, and a number of erroneous inferences are made.

Carol of the Bees-nir_alcia
H/W A sequel to the Case of the Missing Flat Mate. Holmes and Watson in retirement :).

H/W Another 'Lestrade walking in on our boys' story.

Just One Breath-nir_alicia
H/W Watson is hurt while on a case. A lovely h/c story.

The Courtship of Rabbits-nir_alicia
H/W Two words, bike porn.

Full of Grace- Katie Forsythe
( katieforsythe.livejournal.com/7853.html)
H/W This author writes some of the most incredible H/W fic I've ever read. This particular fic is my absolute favorite. Like all of her stories Holmes and Watson are wonderfully in character while still being head over heels in love with each other.

Four Minor Interludes for the Solo Violin and Hallowed Be Thy Name-Katie Forsythe
( katieforsythe.livejournal.com/8561.html)
( katieforsythe.livejournal.com/9598.html)
H/W A wonderfully long first time fic and it's sequel. I love fics that deal with Watson's injury and problems arising from his time in the army.

The Greek Lesson-Katie Forsythe
( katieforsythe.livejournal.com/7443.html)
H/W A slightly different take on "The Greek Interpreter."

The Lucky One-Katie Forsythe
( katieforsythe.livejournal.com/9386.html)
H/W Like most of her fics this takes place during one of the canon cases, in this case "The Pearl of Death." I love the way she has written Lestrade and his interaction with Holmes and Watson.

The Morning After and A Man of Questionable Morals-Katie Forsythe
( katieforsythe.livejournal.com/6705.html)
( katieforsythe.livejournal.com/6396.html)
H/W Watson finally looses it during the Hound of the Baskervilles and "the morning after" is the result :). Wonderful, wonderful fics. There are mentions of non-con in the second fic.

Some Further Notes n the Roylett Matter-Katie Forsythe
( katieforsythe.livejournal.com/4360.html)
H/W The author lists this as a pre-slash fic, I see it more as a first time fic. Revelations, from Holmes POV.

That Which Gives Extras-Katie Forsythe
( katieforsythe.livejournal.com/2118.html)
H/W A wonderful H/W take on the Naval Treaty.

Undiscovered Country-Katie Forsythe
( katieforsythe.livejournal.com/3853.html)
H/W A slashy reimagining of "The Dying Detective."

The Brigadier's Sword-Drunk in Charge
H/W A wonderful little case fic with a very jealous, yet perfectly in character, Holmes.

Prelude-Miss Roylott
H/W A novel length fic that supposes that Holmes and Watson met each other once, long before they took rooms together. I love this fic!

The Adventure of the Buttoned Glove-pen_and_umbra
( pen-and-umbra.livejournal.com/2777.html)
H/W Holmes and Watson investigate a kidnapping, leading them to some new discoveries.

The Problem-Cynthia
H/W, OMC/OMC This is a novel length case fic which I enjoyed quite a bit in spite of some OOC moments. The fic centers as much on the original characters as it does on Holmes and Watson.

The Maiden Voyage of the Tiresias-astolat
H/W A lighthearted first time fic with a wonderful crossdressing Holmes.

Absurdly Simple and An Ideal Husband-Irene Adler
H/W, Holmes/OMC. I really liked these fics, they are a wonderful take on the blackmail plot device.

For England, Home and Beauty-Cimorene
H/W A first time take on "The Bruce-Paddington Plans."

The Deduction of Dr. John Watson-Lefaym
H/W I can just see Holmes and Watson getting together in this manner in canon. Watson is uncertain, Holmes is all knowing and exasperated.

In a Hushed, Ice-Clear Trance-RileyC
H/W This is a lovely little first time fic.

Le Beau Gent sans Merci-SweetSorcery
H/W This was a beautiful fic. I only wish there were more of it.

Do No Harm-ingridmatthews
H/W I love the holmes/watson interaction in this fic. Wonderful and sweet with h/c overtones.

Nothing Between Us and the New World-ariadnes_sting
H/W I love case fic, and while this particular case isn't a very complex mystery it blends nicely with a lovely first time scene. After Mary's death Watson and Holmes go to Cornwall to solve a problem for Watson's friend.

Five Times That Watson Did Not Wake Up in Canon-Taz
H/W The title says it all, really. Wonderful, wonderful fic!

Nothing So Ordinary-ingridmatthews
H/W I love the atmosphere of this fic. In spite of the occasional OOC moment I think it is certainly worth the read. Holmes and Watson get away for a bit.

Jump the Gate-autoschediastic
H/W This is pure porn and I love it.

H/W A slightly dark and perfect look at Watson's gambling addiction and Holmes' fighting.

Games of Chance-autoschediastic
H/W Watson has lost the rent again.

The Letter-Jems Bird
H/W Watson finds a letter written to him by Holmes.

What Do you Give to the Detective Who Has Everything-Jems Bird
H/W A wonderful Christmas fic, that is not so much about Christmas as it is about mistletoe :).

A Secondary Casebook-M
H/W A long, excellent, slow building fic that takes place during a series of cases.

Cave In-Jems Bird
H/W Holmes and Watson get trapped in a collapsed mine.

H/W, mentions of non-con Holmes/OMC, AU I was hesitant to rec this fic because it is a very, very different take on Sherlock Holmes. If you are looking for typical H/W interaction then this probably isn't the fic for you. That being said, I think it is very worth the read.  Dr. Watson treats a young man who has been raped and brutalized.

Holmes Didn't Say-Daylyn
H/W Homes doesn't say I love you, but Watson knows it anyway :).

However Improbable-KCS
Gen This is a Sherlock Holmes/Star Trek TOS crossover. How could I not rec a crossover between my two favorite fandoms of the moment? This is long, well written, and is filled with great holmes/watson interaction and kirk/spock interaction. The mechanics of time travel require a bit of a suspension of disbelief, but that's perfectly in keeping with TOS canon. I'll be recing this one on my Star Trek rec list too.

The Violet Elephant-katieforsythe
( katieforsythe.livejournal.com/13961.html)
H/W I just love well written Lestrade! Lestrade comes to a realization about Holmes and Watson.

Black Ink, White Paper-ThePet
H/W Holmes has been waiting for Watson to make a move for a long time, and he's starting to get impatient.

H/W Watson has an epiphany.

Third Party-Lyrical Soul
H/W An anniversary and a conversation. Short and sweet :).

Worth and Choice-KCS
Gen, Epistolary fic. This is a wonderful look at the early days of Holmes and Watson's friendship as seen from the pages of Holmes' journal.

Coming Home-Shadowycat
( shadowycat.livejournal.com/270304.html)
H/W This is still a WIP but what is there is SO good I just had to rec it. Watson has amnesia and it's up to Holmes to help him recover his memory.

Prompted ficlet #2-JaneTurenne
( janeturenne.livejournal.com/6835.html)
H/W A short and sweet ficlet from Watson's POV.

Words of Love-ingridmatthews
H/W The many ways Holmes shows Watson that he loves him. I love Holmes in this fic!

The Adventure of You-hobblesod
( hobbiesodd.livejournal.com/571.html)
H/W This is a wonderful reworking of "The Empty House" with movieverse Holmes and Watson.

Clueless-Almighty Sempai
H/W For once, Holmes is clueless.

A Marrying Man-Kristophine
H/W Holmes tells Watson why he is not 'a marrying man'.

Out of this Room-Dorinda
H/W I read this as slash but it could just as easily be gen. Three variations on the way the fight with Killer Evans could have gone, two of them angsty and one of them not :).

Fields of Play-skyvehicle
( skyvehicle.livejournal.com/10734.html)
H/W This one is still a WIP but it is shaping up to be a great fic. A look at the early days of Holmes and Watson, with a still wounded and recovering Watson and a typically antisocial Holmes.

( jenlee1.livejournal.com/3647.html)
H/W A past case creates unforeseen difficulties. Wonderful WIP, I am anxiously awaiting more.

The Art of Making Toast-tinzelda
H/W Watson has bronchitis, leaving Holmes at loose ends.

A Lesson in Deduction and Lead and Follow-ladyblahblah
( ladyblahblah.livejournal.com/21354.html)
( ladyblahblah.livejournal.com/21526.html)
H/W These fics are wonderful and leave me wanting more from this universe! Both Holmes and Watson fail to make what should be rather simple deductions.

Just Been Waiting-lavvyan
( lavvyan.livejournal.com/430834.html)
H/W Tea with Mary's parents does not go well. Lovely fic :) 

rec list, h/w

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