"An open letter to all LGBT community members and supporters"

Apr 27, 2008 11:47

I don't spend a lot of time in my journal carrying on about my political views; I feel like my current default userpic pretty much speaks for me there ( Read more... )

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terpsichord April 27 2008, 17:14:01 UTC
Adrienne did a great job on that.

I think there's still a possibility that Hillary can pull this off. I'm seeing more and more articles in the mainstream media that do question Obama's ability to pull off a victory in November.

I've been a Democrat my whole life, and as Will Rogers said, “Democrats never agree on anything, that's why they're Democrats. If they agreed with each other, they would be Republicans.” My concern is that we as Democrats don't let a bit of pragmatism go hand in hand with our principles this year.


scratchtasia April 28 2008, 17:24:25 UTC
I'm an Obama supporter who was an Edwards supporter, but I find I actually agree more with Clinton's policies on a number of issues (health care is probably the biggest; this would be another). Whichever of them gets the nomination will get my vote in November, easily--though Clinton's path seems all but impossible at this point. I'd be a little less excited about a Clinton candidacy, though. I've really been bothered by some of the tactics and statements she and her husband have put forth during the primary battles. I know it's politics, but I want better from them.


terpsichord April 29 2008, 02:49:23 UTC
I was 30 in 1992, and Bill and Hillary embodied all I thought this country could be. I have worked in Social Services my whole adult life, and if that won't increase your allegiance to the Democratic party, nothing will. I hated to see what could have been a stellar second term sidelined by a blowjob (cuz God knows we all love a good blowjob).

That being said, I stayed an admirer of both of them, and guess I have an "aw, shucks" attitude about some of their "politics as usual" moves, because I know they can get stuff done, love them or hate them. But I have to remind myself that so many people look on Obama now as I looked on Bill Clinton in '92.

I also just feel it would be really, really good for this country to have a woman President. I think I'd be behind even that spineless Nancy Pelosi if it were her instead of Hillary. It's time.


scratchtasia April 29 2008, 14:07:50 UTC
I have no real disagreement with any of that. I'm a pretty diehard Democrat. I've been a voter since 1988, and I have yet to vote for an opposed Republican, for any office. (I still try to look into the individual candidates on the slim chance I'll prefer a third-party candidate, or even a Republican, but it never seems to happen.) Any beefs I have with Bill Clinton for the '90s are because he went too far to the right on some issues (on the 1996 Telecommunications Act, for example).

I think the differences between Obama and Clinton have been exaggerated because of the length and difficulty of this contest. Either one of them will represent me a thousand times better than McCain would. I hope that once the dust settles, most Democratic and independent voters feel the same.


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