Reading and writing for 2014

Jan 03, 2015 12:43

I was definitely not as productive, in either reading or writing, as I'd like. I guess to be fair I'm still battling health issues. I'd love to get back to how I was doing in 2011 or 2012 where I was posting like 250,000 a year publicly (because I've always written way more per year than gets posted ( Read more... )

yearly reading and writing, writing, 2014, reading

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Comments 2

bibliophile41 January 5 2015, 05:53:19 UTC
You're so organized! I just update on goodreads when I remember.

Looking at your list, it seems that I read a lot of the same fanfiction as you. I'll take that as a sign to check out the novels you enjoyed.


teromain January 5 2015, 06:33:29 UTC
Yeah I started doing this a few years ago just to keep track of everything I'd read and written and find it's a pretty nice record just to have! I update it as I finish reading/writing things so it's very little work actually.

I hope you enjoy whatever you read! I've read a lot more fanfic than this but I only put ones on this list that I liked and are over 10k words.


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