Title: Tenebrism
Status: in rewrites
Chapter word count: 14,000
Warnings: language
Additional notes: Loooong chapter, which will be split in a more finalized version of the story. Also entirely new stuff than the first draft. The link below is a fake cut to my dreamwidth again. There's a
fictionpress version as well.
Thanks to
radioredrafts for the beta.
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Comments 8
As far as this chapter, more adorbs! :D :D :D
And thanks! :)
I just stumbeled upon your stuff on fictionpress aaaaand I`d really like to read all there is so far of "Light and Shadow" because the first chapters of "Tenebrism" were real nice. So, you`re rewiriting it, but is there perhaps anywhere I can still find the first version so I could continue on to the later books for the time being, even if it is all unrevised?
If I like it (I think I will, the start was promising), I will happily read the rewrites whenever you finish them, but at the moment it`s cruel, cruel torture - finding a new story with basically a chunk missing after a few chapters so you can`t read on.
Ok, I guess I will have to do with waiting then, because apparently I`m crap in finding stuff on the internet. LOL
I can understand that, as an author, you aren`t comfortabel with letting a version stay out there which you feel is not the best you can make of it. Would probably feel the same if I would write!
I just have to tell myself: Patience is a virtue, patience is a... :D
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