Chapter 2 - Bring Me to Life

Jul 18, 2009 16:15

Well, I didn't have a lot of things to do... and I decided to post chapter two of the fic. =)

Chapter Two

- Damn, this girl is heavy ! - Elle said annoyed. She was carrying a girl she didn’t even know, praying to find the exit before they fall or someone notice all the blood on the cheerleader’s uniform. I have to take her to a safe place right now! Wait, wait , wait... Why am I doing this anyway? Elle thought lifting an eyebrow. She sighed and rolled her eyes, looked down at the blonde in her arms for a few minutes, remembering why she saved the girl.

- SOMEBODY SAVE ME ! - She heard that scream and she couldn’t stop from running to the voice, her subconscious screaming at her to go in that direction, like her life depended on it.

The second she opened that door, she looked directly to green eyes, so beautiful and familiar, their shine waking something inside her so powerful that for a second she thought her heart had stopped. Then blood falling around them made her broke the stare, and noticing that in fact the girl with green eyes was being killed by a man… - Damn, he has a power too! - She couldn’t let this happen, she couldn’t let her die…Elle fired a big jolt of electricity straight into the man, knocking him off.

In the next second she was at the girl’s side putting the other blonde’s head in her lap. Then it happened. Those deep eyes stared right into hers and she couldn’t look away. She felt her heart ache and her stomach made a tiny flip.- What is that feeling? - She thought.

She scanned the girl’s head and noticed that it was healing, and it was strange, but she was not surprised at that fact. “Are you alright?” Elle asked but suddenly felt silly, of course she wasn’t.

She took the girl in her arms and carried her to the hall. “Come on, I’ll take you to a safe place. ” Elle said.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn’t notice the younger girl awakening and staring at her. “ You… can release me now.” Elle looked at her surprised and released her. While the cheerleader was arranging her clothes she turned to leave, then she remembered she didn’t know where the exit was.

“ Do you know where the exit is ?” She asked. The cheerleader gave her a puzzled look.

“ You don’t know where is it?” The girl seemed surprised.

“Uh…no.” She said like it was the obvious. “I’ve never been here before.” Elle narrowed her eyes. Why would I know?

The girl seemed surprised, she didn’t speak for a while, then her eyes showed disappointment and seemed that she was about to cry. When Elle opened her mouth to speak the girl walked away from her, and turned. Her face wasn't visible anymore, but Elle could have sworn she cleaned her eyes. “Just follow until end of the hall then turn to the right, Elle.”She said before walking away and turning to another hall, disappearing from Elle’s vision.

- How did she know my name? - Elle asked herself and was about to go after her, when her phone ringed.


“Where are you Elle? I looked for you everywhere.”

“Not important. Why?”

“I’d just came back from a mission, want to hang out?”

Elle smirked. “Only if you pay me an Extra Big Slusho! ”

“ Hahaha, Sure. Same spot then, Bye sweetie.”

“ Bye Eden.” Elle laughed and closed her phone. She looked again to the empty hall and sighed. She had to find that girl again, discover how the girl knew her name and why her body reacted that way when she was around. This is so weird... She rolled her eyes and walked to the exit.

“ Geez…I totally need a Slusho.”

- Well that chapter was short. but the next will be a lot bigger trust me people ;D This is just an introduction to what is coming. * smirk*


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