Week 11

Oct 18, 2006 08:55

Ran and Mary, it's unactive here. I really would appreciate your help. Could you comment to this post within 5 days. If not I will give you a warning in your LJs and then you'll be removed as a mod.

So onto week 11,

Ninja Style!

Yes we would like to see Tenten in action! As in, when she's in battle etc.

- Your icon(s) must feature Tenten.
- You may enter up to 2 icons.
- Submit your entries here by Saturday 21st Oct, 9:30 PM GMT Pacific time. Comments are screened.
- Please upload your icons to a reliable server.
- Submissions should look like this:

Kunai <------ for new members

(Adding the URL is optional)

And Kat and Mayu, your HoF banners are coming very soon.

mod post, week 11

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