[Loveless AU]

Mar 06, 2008 17:31



"Androcur is taked to suppress the male testosterone in the body. It is used to give male rapists in America a chemical castration."


Trian blinks at the other male in the room, tail idly swishing behind him. He thought he recognised the other; he vaguely remembers seeing the dark skinned man around, no ears as well. Blind too, what was this? Turning to Misia, he says dispassionately, "What, so he's supposed to be my bonded?"

"Yup!" she says, entirely too cheerfully. "Well, get to know each other soon~!" and she saunters out to the door.

"Wait!" Trian nearly panics and whirls around to grab her arm, but stops himself when his hand is already half reaching. "Wait a moment, Misia," he says, keeping his voice as level as he can. "Am I his fighter? Or what?"

She turns and gives him a wink. "You're his sacrifice." But before he can recover from his indignant choke, she corrects herself, "I don't actually know. Both of you can be either so." She shrugs. "Oh well, I'm sure you two will figure out something, na~" and walks out with a bounce in her step, laughing.

Trian glares after he departure for a few seconds, ears flattening and tail flicking angrily behind him, before turning back to his supposed partner. Blindfold, jeez, this guy looks like he's already been part restrained. "What's your name?" he says shortly, and it sounds like a demand.

"Tyler Li," the other replies softly, calmly, rising from his seat, "but my true name is the same as yours."


They had accepted the battle with a messy haired pair. Trian crosses his arms in annoyance. Somehow Tyler had conned him into being the sacrifice, much to his displeasure. "Expanding system."

"We are Seamless. Our spells have no holes, continuous, neverending until we taste victory! I am Synth, fighting for Zara!"

The smaller woman, Zara, bats her eyelids at them, turning half aside as if in shyness. "I hear this is the first time you're fighting together, but that doesn't mean we'll go easy on you!"

Synth begins immediately. "Feel the heavy weight of despair crushing your spirit! You will never win against us!"

"Hah, we'll never despair and die!" Trian counters. "Because we are strong! We are invincible! We will turn aside your every attack!" Tyler finishes.

"We'll see about that! Wind, edges sharps as knives. Bleed like the flow of a river!"

Trian nearly screams as cuts open up on his arms and chokes when he feels the shackle close around his throat, fingers gripping the black metal in a vain attempt to break it. "What the hell are you doing, it hurts!" He falls to one knee as he feels it constrict. "Forfeit this match, Tyler!"

"Hooh~? A sacrifice that can't handle a little pain?" Zara smirks. "We'll finish this quick for you, then!" Synth raises his arms, "Lightning from the heavens, strike! Turn the enemy to ash! Crumble!"

"Absorb," Tyler says calmly, hand touching the chain connected to Trian's shackle,  "to ground, all damage negated. Earth, the keeper of graves, enclose the enemy in your endless embrace."

Trian catches that moment of surprise that flickers across Seamless' face as the attack hits, earth turning to rock around their feet, gradually working its way up, as if it was trying to turn them to stone. Shackles appear around Zara's wrists and neck, causing a small squeak of pain. "Fast. Impressive." Synth moves his arm, as if to sweep at the earth. "Water, wind, rain, wash away this cage!"

Tyler cups his hands. "Rain water feeds roses, whose thorns viciously cut intruders! Wilt! Wither! Like flowers placed in rememberance of defeat."

Zara cries out again as numerous cuts appear on her body. "We should stop here, before things become too serious," Synth says, turning to his sacrifice. She nods. "We forfeit."

Trian breathes a sigh of relief as the shackle around his neck disappears and the pain fades. He watched Seamless walk away, Synth supporting Zara against him. "Not bad! We're going to need to train more, I see!" He hears Zara say.

"...That went well, didn't it?" Tyler says into the silence.

Trian whirls onto his partner, ears flattened. "NO! No, it did not! Next time, you be the sacrifice!"


"How old are you again?"

Trian blinks. "Twenty five, why?"

"You're that old and you STILL have your ears?

Trian turns red and his ears flatten, tail flicking agitatedly. "I'm not that old! I'm saving myself for someone special!"

"Oh? Your partner isn't special enough for you? I can't help but notice he's missing his ears~"

Trian flushes further, tail curling. "Shut up. Now."




'Cause I'm T.N.T., I'm dynamite
(T.N.T.) and I'll win the fight
(T.N.T.) I'm a power load
(T.N.T.) watch me explode

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