I would like to start off by thanking everybody who's cheered me up, worried about me, encouraged me...I guess I really need it sometimes...To know that somebody won't get annoyed if I make a mistake, or put me down/insult me either. It hurts.
...I know some people who've tried to insult me for a while now. You know who you are...you know what? I...
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Comments 30
but thats okay...I didn't mind after all I'd do anything for you....but I guess
Well, if you hate me that much...I sholdn't be visiting you then......I'm a horruble friend aren't I?
And I don't care about the "not hearing" think no need I apologize seeing how much comotion and fuss this had turn out to be....well...
I guess this is good bye?
Is is so wrong to seek out comfort in other people when you're hurt? Because if you didn't need to do that, you would be inhumane. I need comfort Christine, that's the truth. If you think of it as a mere commotion as you mention, then...fine...
...and you know why I thought you didn't hear me? Sometimes, the connection is unstable, we disconnect, sometimes, I find you space out and never hear me at all. That's why I'm always unsure, and then you get annoyed at me.
Do you know how it feels to be me right now, Christine? To have one of your closest friends tell you that you're annoying when you just need comfort at the time?
And don't you dare say you know me very well anymore, Christine. Because nobody does. I'm always either 'perfect', 'smart', 'moody', 'hyper', ...'bitch', 'spoiled brat'. It makes me feel I have to be those things. I'm sick of hearing it.
And I never said I hated you... don't you date say that I hate you, because I never said that and... that...just hurts, Christine...
Yukata... ^_^ And you're not a horrible person... *doesn't know what to say now*
But...I"m so glad...
*big huge hugs*
=P I just don't know.
And of course you can, feel free to contact me whenever ^_^
If not...then I'll try again =P Now to find 'light', and 'mellow'
(Oh, and Mello doesn't have a w, by the way.)
'Tis greatly appreciated, I'm actually redecorating something which is why I'm requesting so many.
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