Title: Originally Normal
Beta: Science, Puddin, and TJBW (lots of credit goes to these three, they did a wonderful job editing this story)
Rating: FRT
Genre: Season 7 AU
Summary: It's been a year since season 6 and things are going OK for Buffy. That is until things start going wrong and someone finally comes back into her life
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Comments 4
I really loved the thoughts running round Buffy's head at the end there. She finally has come to terms with her life and who she is and who she loves. Spike, Spike, Spike...silly boy's too noble though he'd never admit it. He's still the Big Bad (not!) *g*
Looking forward to the next part even though it means the story's over.
Thank you again! <3
That was the most important part for me. I wanted to have Buffy come to terms with everything. To really grow up, to finally come to an end.
Yup, Spike is still Spike. No matter if he's human or demon, he'll still be that noble little William.
I wish this could have been longer too. Maybe I'll make a little sequel to this...but that's a maybe! Don't hold me to it! ;D
It's really nifty how all those seemingly separate things that happened before were connected to Or'Divi's evil plan.
I really enjoyed your vivid depiction of everything that happened on the Hellmouth. I could feel the intensity and desperation, the immediacy of it all. Not to mention Buffy's determination! And Or'Divi was creepy!
And courageous, heroic but very reckless Spike has to survive this. He simply has to! *bites nails nervously*
Thank you! I had that all planned out. Each demon actually has a tie with Buffy and her life as a slayer. I don't think I wrote it very well, but there are lots of double meanings scattered throughout.
Thank you again! I had been scared of my writing for so long and my betas helped me start writing properly again that chapter 10 came out better than all other chapters previously. I'm really thankful for my betas, they're the ones that deserve most of the praise.
"Spoilers!" *Winks at you like River from Doctor Who.
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