Lesbian rights pioneer Del Martin dies

Aug 27, 2008 16:28

Lesbian rights pioneer Del Martin dies

Awwww. But she lived a long life, and she lived just long enough to actually get married (for real this time) in California. Yay!!

What a great, pioneering woman.

lgbt, lesbian, death

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Comments 2

emboline August 27 2008, 21:32:53 UTC
Oh noes!

She did have a great life! And what an important part of the movement she was! (Her partner, too!)

She will be missed...


cuddlebunni3 August 28 2008, 01:37:57 UTC
You know they have to go some time but I can't help but feel like the world loss some light today. The courage of these early activists always make me a bit teary and I ask myself... would I have had the courage?


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