Davina/DW/TW Crossover Manip

Oct 02, 2009 14:18

So, I’ve been playing around with Davina images for a while now but never posted any of them. This one just continued to morph over time to include the boys from the Whoniverse and Torchwood. I haven’t completely reconciled whether this is simply Davina or the Doctor in some alt reality but I think you can view it as slash either way (my Davina is always a pre-op kinda gal!).

I’m going with a PG rating for this one.  Click to enlarge.

If you are interested in any other Davina manips, please let me know in a comment. They range from G to R in nature with the R ones involving nudity. I’m kind of a wuss about posting these, so I need to know there’s an interest out there!

Anyway, thanks for looking and commenting - good or bad!

Among her many admirers that night, Davina soon found that somebody’s hand was becoming inappropriate....

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