I was stamped as Oshitari (
previous app here). That was two years ago, and I'd like to think that I've changed since then.
Name: Michelle
Nickname: Kaneha
Age: 16
Likes: rain, cold weather, thunderstorms, snow, mountains, medicine, photography, reading, peace and quiet, when things go according to a plan
Dislikes: loud people, unneeded repetition in homework, sweet things, mess, people who don't live up to their potential, people who are insubordinate for the sake of it, sleeping
Hobbies: ultimate Frisbee, tennis, hiking, rock climbing, piano, skiing, cooking
creating patterns from abstract concepts: for example, I play the position I play in ultimate Frisbee because I'm very good at reading the flow of the game. I can instinctively tell, with good accuracy, where my teammates are going to go and where the opponent is going to go, and make decisions based on that.
Level-headed: it takes a lot for me to lose my cool. I don't panic easily, I don't get hyper easily (indeed, the only way to get me hyper involves sleep deprivation, pocky, and TeniMyu), and even if I'm angry at somebody, I still think rationally about my actions (just with more malice that usual). I do have fears, I don't like heights, but I just rationalise away the fear.
Goals: I really want to be a doctor, it's a career that I've been interested in since I was 6 (though my reasons for wanting to be a doctor keep changing). More specifically, I either want to work for the CDC or become an anaesthesiologist.
What do you feel is your best quality? Why?: I'm a well-rounded person, but I don't like to settle for just being average at those different interests. More importantly, though, I combine those interests. I used my knowledge of java to write a program which was used to assist the captain of my ultimate team; used the aesthetic sensibilities I learned in photography/art to improve the layout/design/readability of lab reports; or else, I applied my knowledge of stats from maths to draw a conclusion from data needed for a debate in English class.
Your worst? Why?:
People skills: I don't have any problem making small talk with someone I don't know (I might not be quite listening to said person as they talk, but that's not the point) and if the other person makes some effort to talk to me, I can become good friends with them...but it's hard to be something more than that. One reason is that I'm good at finding people's weak spots, I guess, and I can't resist poking at them and seeing their reaction...sometimes, I go too far.
Oh, and I judge people, and don't like to go back on those initial impressions. There's only been one person who I initially had a negative impression of that I now consider a friend; there are countless others who gave a bad first impression, and I still view them based on it, even though it holds no basis.
self-conscious-ness: I'm not the type of person who gets hyper and acts without thinking. I like to have control over my actions and at the same time, I'm very conscious of how others perceive me. As I said above, I don't have much trouble becoming friends with somebody, but to go further in that friendship, takes a lot of effort on my part, because friendship can't exist without the trust I'm so unwilling to give. Romantically, it's worse. I don't like not being in control of a situation, and that's exactly what happens with the dating scene. Part of me is scared by that (a bigger part is simply not interested) and I've handed out rejections that were unneededly harsh because of that.
What's your favourite quote? Why?:
"They weren't cows inside. They were waiting to be, but they forgot. Now they see sky, and they remember what they are."
-River (Firefly - Safe)
Last summer I volunteered my time for a week doing trail maintenance in the Cascade Mountains. We had a base camp about half-way up the mountain and we worked about a mile or two out from it each day. Every day was spent working in the dense forest, and although there was ample light, because of the tall trees we didn't get to see the sky. Then, on the last day, we hiked all the way up to the lake. I don't have pictures of the lake on this computer, but
this is a neighbouring lake. As you can see, it's the highest point you can hike to on the mountain, and the sky just stretches on and on above. It’s the same feeling as when you're been stuck in a city for a month and get out to the beach, the ocean stretching on endlessly. It's amazing, exhilarating; and reminds of how the world we're in is so much bigger and grander than the cities we confine ourselves to…
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Why?: To be taller....xD;; I'm on the shorter side of average and for the most part I don't really care, but when it comes to ultimate, that height would be an advantage that, while I don't need it, would definitely help. I play in a league with mostly guys, and although by improving my speed and playing a smarter game I can beat them, the fact is that when I'm competing with another person to get the disc, the winner is often the one with the longer reach, and when I'm playing with guys who are a foot taller than I am...there's no contest.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Why?: While world peace is a nice goal, I firmly believe that peace has to be the outcome, not the wish itself.
Instead, I'd wish that everybody had the ability to think intelligently for themselves and act upon those thoughts. It pains me to discuss politics with people, when their reason for supporting their belief is: 'because it's what my parents think' or even 'that's what my religion tells me'. My thoughts on religion aside; following your culture’s values is good, but you can't follow blindly.
Going back to world peace: if people were able to think for themselves, and they discussed those thoughts instead of fighting, than the peace (or at least diplomatic stability) that we'd be able to achieve would be so much better than magically waving a wand and producing the pax and creating world peace. The journey is every bit as important as the destination, imo.
Why do you like the anime/manga Prince of Tennis?: I've liked it for different reasons. I started it because of some Japanese fanart my friend showed me. It was pretty, and I'd read some positive reviews of the series, so I decided to check it out. I kept reading it because of the characters, the further I got in the manga, the more characters I could read fanfic about, and that was reason enough.
Then, I started playing ultimate. The sport just...clicked, I guess. Before I knew it I found myself spending hours outside throwing frisbee or running instead of staying inside. Prior to starting frisbee, I hadn't understood how TeniPuri characters could be so obsessed with their sport. My captain injured his right arm (he's scarily like Tezuka, actually, he has the glare and the obsession with making us run as well) part way through the season, and I started skimping on my homework to help him learn to throw with his left arm. My team's mantra was 'sacrifice your body for the disc' which we took a little bit too literally. When I first read TeniPuri I couldn't understand why someone would injure themselves for a mere game, but I found myself diving across dirt, tearing up all the skin below my knee, to catch a disc that probably didn't even matter in the long run. I've watched teammates break bones catching discs at practice and play on injuries (though more minor than a broken bone xD;;), delaying their recovery by weeks to help us win a game. When I go back and re-read TeniPuri now, I'm able to understand that dedication; I now find the actual matches just as interesting (if not more) than the personalities revealed by them.
Who is your favorite character? Why? (You won't be judged on this): hmm...that's hard. I really love Fuji, I guess. There's a certain intrigue to his genius...it's also interesting that his tennis hasn't changed so much as his attitude towards the sport has changed. I also like the entire Rikkai team, especially Sanada because of RikkaiMyu the commitment they have towards their team. I guess all the schools want to win, but I absolutely adore how Rikkai's goal of winning is as much a selfish desire as it is a promise towards their captain.
Who is your least favourite character? Why?:
Horio and Tomoka..."I simply cannot abide useless people", I guess? I've been marathoning Firefly, if you can't tell by the frequent references to it though that reason actually fits quite well, since I love the ichinen trio in the musicals, where they are actually amusing and therefore serve a purpose The easiest way to annoy me is to be boastful, especially in an inconsiderate fashion, then not be able to back up those boasts, which is exactly what Horio does. With Tomoka, she's simply loud and annoying, which is another thing I don't like.
What's your favourite pairing? Why?:
Fuji/Tezuka: do I really need to comment on this? There's just something about the chemistry of the two that works. Can't explain it better than that.
Kite/Tezuka: this is one I got into recently. I didn't really like Kite originally, so I was hesitant to read fic containing this pairing, but there are some brilliant authors and by authors I mean
pixxers that have managed to create fascinating interactions between the two.
Nanjirou/Tezuka: ...I really have no comment, just know that I ship it in an non-shota way ^^;
What's your least favourite pairing? Why?:
Ryoma/Momo: I just...can't see this. I'm not sure why. I almost want to say that I see Ryoma as straight (my favourite Ryoma 'ship is Ryoma/Sakuno) or at least tennis-sexual, but I can't really say that fairly either because I read TezuRyo and FujiRyo. So...I don't know (that was an unneededly long unhelpful answer >.<)
If you got to choose a character in the show to be for 24 hours, who would it be? Why?: heheh, tough decision. Yanagi, I guess. I'd want to see Rikkai from the inside, and Yanagi would be the perfect character to do so. Also, I'm sure Yanagi has more information than he should legally have on Yukimura's condition, and perhaps I could figure out what actually Yukimura has?
Also, we’ve had some chance to peak into Inui’s notes, so it would be the fun to see Yanagi’s data.
How did you find this community?: I don't remember any more, but probably from the affiliate list of another stamping community
Anything else?: er, my sincere apologies for the tl;dr (and the bad grammar)...I think too much, and unfortunately for you, I wrote down most of those thoughts ^^;