Name: Alecia
Nickname: Aly
Age: 16
Likes: theatre, reading, writing, music, anime, manga, video games, water, being strange, SUGAR! I also like being bored, cause then I do weird and random things to not be bored. Forensic crime shows!, sleep!, the internet
Dislikes: normality, conformity, homophobes, attention seekers, drugs, alcohol, sex, vegetables, perverted classmates, stupid classmates, stupidity, people who say the have "street cred", spelling, preps, people who call themselves "gangstas", my sister bugging me -_-, people bugging me in general
Hobbies: playing the clarinet, theatre, writing, listening to music, reading, playing video games, swimming
Talents: writing, good memory, hardly ever study and pass
Goals: graduate high school and college, become a foresnic scientist!
What do you feel is your best quality? Why?: my best I'm very sociable and that's good can help people loosen up or get interested in something?
Your worst? Why?: My ego...I tend to shove the fact that I'm really smart into people's noses....I need to stop doing that
What's your favorite quote? Why?: I like pigs. Dogs look up to you. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us like equals.- Winston Churchill....not what I would normally put....but it's so true.....
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Why?: hm...I don't think I would change anything...I like myself as it is me
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Why?: no more Bush, another reason I can't wait until 2008
Why do you like the anime/manga Prince of Tennis?: because it holds my interest and doesn't seem stupid...and it has humor!
Who is your favourite character? Why? (You won't be judged on this): um...I have several..but I'm gonna go with Eiji cause he's hyper active flexable dude and funny! and it's cool that he has a close relationship with his doubles partners..and....other reason my brain can't bring to the surface right now.......
Who is your least favourite character? Why?: Mizuki cause he is a snarky bastard
What's your favourite pairing? Why?: Tezuka/Fuji cause it just seems right....I don't really know why...
What's your least favourite pairing? Why?: hm....I can't really say.
If you got to choose a character in the show to be for 24 hours, who would it be? Why?: Fuji! So I could be a sadistic genius. XD That's always fun. ^^
How did you find this community?: affiliates on
spiral_ratingsAnything else?: hm........nope, don't think so