Album Fiction Challenge: BINGO!

Aug 21, 2009 11:31

Oh yes, Nephele, you knew it had to come.

Ladies and Gentleman and others of a Different Persuasion,

Our dearest, most treasured and resourceful little ingenue (actually, I just felt like using that word despite its obvious incorrect portrayal of the muse. Apologies if my tones and words are more like a certain French headmate of mine than my own), Nephele, had mentioned that this writing challenge was like playing bingo. And what is bingo if not a competition?  Surely, this challenge should not be seen as a competition between writers as it should be seen as one within oneself, however, for you more A-type personalities we might have a little bonus for you. Something light-hearted, possibly humorous and either OC/IC, depending on your tastes-a date with out most eligible bachelor or bachelorette!

Er, of course this can only work if I get volunteers for that whole eligible bachelor or bachelorette category, so do be so kind as to nudge your characters into a gentle form of charity. Once we determine how many available muses we have for this, I will determine if we can have three winners and who our pool of choice candidates will be that the winners can draw from! We need men and woman and....well, anything inbetween.

Just a general note to everyone: thank you for your patience as I update the tables and add all your submissions. It is a slow process but I assure you that I am getting there. Songs will be stamped after I complete the entire table. Many thanks to Oni-mun for her help in creating a table that did not make LJ freak out.

With Regards,

TN Mod
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