I realised recently that I've become quite mean. Or, at the very least, a lot less patient than I used to be. I do not tolerate rude people. I do not tolerate stupid people. Ask a stupid question - get a stupid answer. And, perhaps (gee, really?) I am too serious about work. But the thing is, when it is time to relax, I will relax - but while I am
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Comments 2
Just a thought, but maybe you are just smarter than the people around you so it gets to you on occation. I would put good money on that.
keep up with the living!
And thanks for your thought on my penultimate post, it was much appreciated.
As for the fascination with your being Russian, well, how about this. Yesterday at work I was serving on till and a retard (an actual retard, not an insult) started pointing at me and saying 'looooook, she reeeeally caught the sun'. Cue, about 2 other retards commenting on how I 'reeeeeally caught the sun'. I was ever so tempted, to say 'No, actually, I'm just chinese/naturally yellow'. But somehow, I don't think they would have quite understood.
More often than not it's 'Where are you from?' 'Paignton' 'No. Where aaareee you from?' 'Really, Paignton.' 'I meeeaan, where are you really from? Like, your parents?' Dear lord, sometimes I wonder.
That's enough of that little rant. I hope it offered some form of consolation. And last of all but not least, I hope you are well.
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