
Jun 08, 2011 02:19

One-shot crack fic:  Rose finds out the origin of her favorite song...and ends up using her Katy Perry CD for a frisbee.

The Doctor rubbed his temples as a sustained bass line repeated for the fifth time. Rose was known to do this when she found a song she really liked. She'd hole up in her room and blast the stereo until the TARDIS reverberated with the repeated track, leaving the Doctor with little alternative other than waiting for her to finish the impromptu dance party that was no doubt taking place in her room.

But something about this song made the Doctor anxious. He strained to hear the singer's voice but could barely make out the words. It would drive him mad if he didn't find out soon. With an exasperated huff, the Doctor dropped his sonic and left his desk in the lab to go figure out the mysterious tune.

When he reached Rose's door he rapped politely against the wood, understanding full well that Rose would never hear him. After a few moments, he cracked open the door, just as the song was starting up again. What he saw made his jaw drop drunkenly.

Rose was outfitted in a tiny stretch tube top and what could only be described as 'booty shorts.' His eyes bugged out of his head as Rose whipped her hair up in a rolling move that made his knees weak. He literally clutched the door when Rose straddled one of the four poles on her bedframe and slid around it expertly, throwing a 'come hither' glance at the mirror opposite her. As she mouthed the words of her song to the reflection, she caught sight of the Doctor and screamed a muffled cry before missing her grip and landing on the floor.

Forgetting his discomfiture, the Doctor ran over to help Rose, while trying to ignore the slight sheen of sweat that was glistening on her stomach.

"What...what are you doing in here?" Rose asked breathlessly.

The Doctor dropped his gaze and stuttered. "I, I, well that is I heard the song you were dancing...so spectacularly to...and I wanted to see if it... Oh yes. Oh it is!"

Rose leaned against the bed pole and stared squarely at the Doctor. "Run that by me again?"

The Doctor stared into the distance and blushed furiously. "Oh no...she did write it!  She did warn me..."

"What?" Rose demanded huffily.

The first verse of E.T. by Katy Perry ended and the chorus began.

"You're from a whole other world, a different dimension," the singer belted out.

"This song," the Doctor explained with a goofy smile. "It's about me!"

Rose froze with her pink lips frozen in a tiny 'o' of surprise. Surely he didn't know that she always thought of him when she heard this song? Or that she sort of fantasized about him during the two lines 'Kiss me' and 'Take me' in particular. Rose felt the mortifying heat of her embarrassment riding over her skin. She peeked down at the barely there clothes she had on and crossed her arms, hiding behind them.

"Have you been in my head then?" Rose accused crossly.

The Doctor's attention snapped back to Rose in an instant, his brown eyes glowing innocently. "Of course not!" he said defensively. "It's just...really...Katy Perry wrote this song about me."

Rose narrowed her eyes in disbelief. "What? No way! When would you have met Katy Perry? I've been with you this whole last year!"

"Oh," the Doctor responded. "I actually stopped by a concert in the park while you were at your mother's three months ago, and I met her then. Lovely girl," he followed up.

"Your kiss is cosmic," Katy Perry sang traitorously.

The Doctor cringed as Rose caught the line and whirled around. She marched straight to her boombox and pulled out the offending CD, shucking it across the room before the Doctor could get a word out. Rose stared at him defiantly, daring him to utter one sentence in Katy Perry's defense.

"I hate that song," Rose fumed.

The Doctor tried to back away slowly lest he offend his companion any more than he already had. "Well...guess I'm gonna go back to the lab," he said lamely.

"You do that," Rose sniffed, thumbing through her CDs and checking each female artist with renewed suspicion.

Read the Sequel

et, rose tyler, one-shot, crack fic, 10th doctor

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