The Vices, Chapter 10

Aug 08, 2011 01:02

Warning:  As Cassandra would say: Hot, hot, hot!!! ;)

Rose stumbled away from the Valeyard as he released his tenuous grip on her arm, and she turned her head in surprise as she realized she’d run back into the edge of the TARDIS console. Thinking quickly, she eyed the last button she’d seen him hit and flipped it back into the upright position, hoping to undo the damage he’d inflicted on the seven sisters of Seligia. The Valeyard was upon her in a flash, fortunately not noticing what she had done. He picked her up easily and tossed her over his shoulder before she knew what was happening.

As he walked out of the main console room, Rose stared at the monitor hopefully, looking for any sign of life from the incapacitated goddesses. When the Valeyard turned into a side door, Rose could only pray that the sisters would survive, and that somehow they might be able to help her.


Superbia woke up clutching her head, still in a daze from the recent lack of oxygen. Gula was standing over her anxiously.

“Are you alright?” the goddess of gluttony asked as the other nodded.

Their sister Invidia stirred nearby. “What happened?” she asked miserably.

Superbia came over and helped her up. “The Valeyard must have tapped into our environmental controls,” she concluded. “I can only imagine the reason we are still alive is the human girl.”

Luxuria stood up and dusted off her gown. “I knew Rose was more than capable!” she said with admiration.

Ira frowned. “She might be,” she assented, “but she still needs our help. We must reform the circle and try to bring the Time Lord back to his senses.”

Superbia nodded her head curtly as the last of their sisters rejoined them. “We may not be able to do more than offer him brief bursts of clarity,” she said. “Let us concentrate now, and will him to normality for as long as we can. Only then will the human girl stand a chance.”

The other sisters bowed their heads.


Rose gasped as the Valeyard put her on the ground roughly, and immediately backed her onto a tilted silver plank that looked eerily like an upright operating table. He quickly secured her wrists in a strap above her head, and checked the restrains before turning his back on her with a flourish.

“What do you want with me?” Rose demanded. “I don’t understand why you want to hurt me!”

The Valeyard turned his head halfway and sneered at her from over his shoulder. He appeared to be preparing some futuristic device in front of him that Rose couldn’t identify.

“Want to hurt you? Me?” he said defensively. “Not at all! I simply want to extract some information from you, and unfortunately, this is the only way to do that.”

He showed Rose a colander-like object and demonstrated how it was meant to fit over the head.

“I’m afraid my previous self seems to be resisting me, and is currently blocking my memory from accessing the TARDIS drive controls. I’m just going to peek around in your miniscule brain and see if I can cull the instructions I need from your recent memories. And…wellll…maybe I kind of like the thought of you screaming.” The Valeyard finished and sent her a hideous grin.

Rose swallowed the hard lump in the back of her throat and squirmed on the slanted table, trying to wiggle out of her restraints.

“What is this place?” Rose asked meekly, staring for the first time at the immaculate steel room around her.

“A place to experiment,” the Valeyard said quietly as he turned around. “I told you that you wouldn’t know this room. This is an area set aside on all TARDIS crafts to experiment on inferior lifeforms. I figured your Doctor would never have used it, but the Time Lords were an inquisitive race. Every new species they came across went under the knife and the microscope, sometimes concurrently. This device here is meant to test psychic ability, but I’ve altered it a bit to extract pertinent information only. It may or may not leave your mind in tact. I suppose we’ll find out!”

“Please,” Rose whispered in terror. “You don’t have to do this!”

The Valeyard simply giggled as he finished the final touches on his device, and approached her slowly. He leaned against the propped up table and stroked a strand of her hair absently. “It’s too bad, really,” he muttered. “You were such an interesting little ape.”

“Doctor!” Rose pleaded. “If you are in there, PLEASE help me! Doctor I need you!”

The Valeyard flinched and dropped the helmet device with a clatter before holding the sides of his head. “Rutting witches!” he gasped as he fell to the floor. “They’re in my head!”

Rose watched on as the Valeyard thrashed on the floor as if fighting an unseen foe. When he stilled, Rose held her breath and questioned him uncertainly. “Doctor?” she asked and wished at the same time.

“Rose?” he responded shakily. He kneeled from the ground and planted his hands on either side of her hips. “Rose, are you okay? Did I hurt you?”

His worried eyes flew over her body and checked for any signs of damage while Rose sighed out her relief.

“I’m fine!” she answered as she peered down at her. “Are you okay?”

The Doctor shook his head warily and refocused his attention on her face. “The goddesses are trying to help me regain control,” he explained. “I don’t think it’s going to last though. I need to tell you this quickly, before he returns.”

Rose shuddered at the thought of her Doctor pulling the Jekyll and Hyde act again.

“Rose,” the Doctor said remorsefully, “I don’t have much time. I think your idea about working through the vices one by one might work. I just need your help keeping the Valeyard distracted so that I can fight wrath first. But it’s…problematic.”

The Doctor swallowed and averted his eyes. Rose watched him bunch up his fists on the cold silver table. “When I begin to isolate the vice of wrath, the other vices will be reinforced. I won’t have any control over what I do, and I think I might…Rose…I might try to…”

He couldn’t finish his sentence, leaving Rose to figure it out for herself.

“Greed will increase your desire for power,” she said aloud, “and lust will make you want to…oh…”

“You have to run Rose. If I catch you, I will take you for my own. I won’t be able to resist you.”

The Doctor started to reach up so that he could release her from her bonds, but he was struggling to stand up straight. “You have to promise me that you’ll run,” he said forcefully, as he tried to reach her hands.

Rose nodded and then gasped as the Doctor withdrew from her and fell panting on the floor. Her eyes flicked back up to her restraints, and she realized with a sinking feeling that he’d left them untouched. She struggled to escape the knots, but it was useless. Below her, the Doctor was doing his best to fight the Valeyard’s return, and Rose knew that it was taking all of his energy to keep himself stable.

She shut her eyes tightly and made an internal decision, knowing that it was the only one she could make.

“Doctor,” she said tensely. “Stop wasting your energy. Focus on the sin of wrath and contain it. I’ll deal with whatever else may come.”

The Doctor stopped thrashing and looked up at her hopelessly. “No, please Rose!” he implored. “I won’t let myself do this to you!”

Rose shook her head and wiped her tearing eyes against her sleeve. “I don’t care,” she said bravely. “We are going to get through this, no matter what happens. You have to do this. Let me help you."

The Doctor collapsed on the floor and let out a sharp cry as his attention turned solely on to the sin of wrath. Although he was still aware of what was going on around him, his control of the other vices dropped off completely. Rose was on her own, essentially.

Rose looked down on the Time Lord and bit her lip anxiously as he stirred. At first, he was staring in the other direction, at a point far away. She shifted silently behind him, hoping that he might not even notice her. At that very moment, however, he turned and caught sight of her strapped to the table, completely vulnerable.

“Rose,” he said appreciatively, his voice low and husky. He stood and allowed his eyes to roam freely over her body, from the bottom to the top. He clucked his tongue, apparently liking what he saw.

His eyes flicked back to the taut fabric over her breasts as he leaned in close and inhaled the mix of sweat and flowery shower gel that hung on the skin of her neck. “Mmm,” he moaned breathlessly.

Rose felt his fingers digging into her sides and she exhaled sharply, scared of what he might do to her. The Doctor surprised her by leaning back, and staring into her eyes significantly.

“Rose,” he whispered heartfully, “I’m going to do what I can to make this better for you…better than what it would be if I let go completely. I want you to know that I’m here. I won’t hurt you.”

Rose nodded her head gratefully and stifled a cry, trying to be brave as he pushed himself more fully against her. She could feel him growing hard against her inner thigh and his hands roaming up lightly over her hips and behind her back. His lips pressed wetly against her neck and he suckled her skin there until she felt her toes begin to tingle in anticipation, trading fear for her own excitement. His tongue flicked out and rolled down the length of her neck before pressing one fevered kiss to her shoulder blade just above the collar of her t-shirt. Her heart fluttered in response.

She lost herself when his fingers moved out from behind her back and over the long expanse of her arms, scratching back down gently but firmly.

“I want to make you feel good,” he whispered roughly. “Let me do that,” he begged.

Rose felt her breath catch when his hands raced down over her sides and around her hips to the back of her jeans. He grasped her rear and pulled her to him so that she instinctively curled her legs around his waist. It was then, and only then, that he pressed his lips to hers and breathed her name against them.

“Doctor,” she whispered back wantonly.

He kissed her softly, moving between her upper and bottom lips and then slipping his tongue past them to meet hers in a wet embrace. She kissed him back passionately, all of her anxiety replaced with a mounting desire that she had always felt for him, but never thought would be expressed. She didn’t want to do anything against his will, but she found herself giving in to her baser, carnal needs, wanting this as much as he did…maybe more.

The Doctor kneaded the soft curves of her lower body before moving upward, and lingering over the bottom edge of her bra.

“Please,” he pleaded in a desperate voice. He was starting to lose some of his control, and rubbed himself readily against her center with a soft whimper.

“Yes,” Rose granted in a whisper. Her eyes rolled back as his hands worked over her bra and pushed it up over her breasts. He ducked his head down and suckled at the exposed flesh, delighting in the feel of her nipples against his tongue. He lingered over the space between her breasts and then cupped them with each hand before returning to her lips for more feverish kisses.

He moaned as her hooked ankles pulled him in closer, and she fruitlessly tried to pull herself up higher with the restraints around her wrists. She felt completely controlled by him, but was shocked to find out just how much she liked it.

He broke away from her kiss and worked his lips down her body quickly, until he reached the top button on her jeans. He unhooked her legs from around his waist and pulled down her pants with a rough yank, followed soon after by her panties. He squatted down and pushed his mouth against her clitoris in an open-mouthed kiss that left her panting and crying out for more. He peered up at her and glowered devilishly before licking at her more forcefully, with the full intent of bringing her over the edge.

Rose gasped as he worked her over like he’d been made for her. He knew every place she wanted him to touch and where to linger or barely brush against. It didn’t take long before she felt the mounting pleasure of her orgasm wash over her limbs in a powerful wave. She called out his name as she came and he reached back up to plant himself back firmly over her center.

“I need you,” he panted greedily. “I want to claim you and make you scream. I want to spill myself inside of you and make you mine.”

Rose heard her own response as a series of squeaks coming out of her mouth as he unclasped his pants and pressed his full length against her. He steadied himself with one knee planted between her legs and brushed the head of his penis against her opening.

“Tell me you want me too,” he begged, the very last of his sensibilities beginning to abandon him.

“I want you,” Rose said emphatically. She spread her legs apart further to emphasize the point and he pushed inside of her gratefully, as slowly as he could manage. His eyes fluttered closed at the sensation.

When he slid in to the hilt, they both groaned at the perfection of completion. Rose had waited for this for so long, and as the Doctor started to rock slowly away from her and slide back in, she knew she couldn’t wait any longer. She propped herself up by caging his waist with her legs and pulled him back into her roughly.

“Fuck me,” she demanded.

The Doctor’s eyes popped open in complete shock. “Rose!” he started to object, but saw the determination in her eyes and threw himself into the moment instead. He took a few experimental strokes before pumping in and out of her with more abandon, starting to lose himself in the process. He growled at the back of his throat as she egged him on, saying some of the filthiest things she could think of. She wanted this, and she was going to show him just how much, even without the use of her arms.

He rested his upper body on hers as he continued longer, deeper strokes, and pressed his forehead into the side of her neck.

“Yes,” he groaned as his pleasure escalated into an unimaginable intensity. It had been so long since he’d done anything like this, he’d forgotten how good it felt. He was so thankful this was with Rose, rather than anyone else. She understood him, she took care of him, she loved him with all of her heart.

The Doctor stared up in amazement as his orgasm ripped through his body, keeping his eyes locked on hers the entire time. She joined him and he kissed her passionately, rolling his tongue over hers as the last waves of their mutual pleasure smoldered like a dying fire. In a daze, the Doctor had just enough presence of mind to release Rose’s hands, and the two of them tumbled to the ground in a satisfied heap.

“Oh god,” Rose moaned as the Doctor threw one arm over her waist and pulled her close. “That was…that was…”

“Fucking incredible,” the Doctor finished for her. He pushed a hand through his hair and shook his head in amazement. “I think you just shagged the vice of lust out of me.”

Rose couldn’t help but smile cheekily at him. “Hopefully not permanently,” she grinned, sticking her pink tongue out over her teeth.

“Stop that!” the Doctor complained. “I’ve only just recovered!”

Rose reclaimed her tongue chastely and retreated into her own thoughts for a second. Had that really just happened?

(Next Chapter)

rose tyler, doctor who, the vices, 10th doctor

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