The Vices, Chapter 1

Jul 24, 2011 21:39

Summary:  When the Doctor interferes on an alien world, he awakens the Seven of Saligia. The angry goddesses punish the Doctor by confronting him with each of the seven deadly sins, with only Rose to guide him through the darkness.

The Doctor and Rose were caught up in one of their ecstatic victory hugs as the prisoners of Saligia broke free of their chains and ran toward an awaiting rescue ship.

“We did it!” Rose exclaimed happily. “After centuries of slavery, the Kalnari are free!”

The Doctor laughed joyously with her as the last of the refugees were loaded up and took off, waving thankfully as they went.

“I’m ready to get back to the TARDIS,” Rose said softly as she wiped a streak of dirt off of her nose. “I never knew rescuing 5,000 people could be so much work! I’m completely worn out!”

The Doctor chuckled and brushed his thumb over the side of her cheek, removing another strip of mud.

“I think a shower is in order too,” he added.

He started to lead the way back toward the TARDIS, but was intercepted by seven shadowy figures emerging from the mist. He instinctively put himself between them and Rose, and watched as their forms took shape in the dying light.

Rose stared at the seven unearthly women, all wearing diaphanous gowns with elaborate hair and headdresses. Most of them had colorful, jewel-tone dresses, save one. The seventh woman was draped all in white, and her gown appeared to be made of large ostrich feathers. It was she who stepped beyond the united front and addressed herself to the Doctor.

“Incredible,” she said, obviously impressed. “You must be the Doctor of Gallifrey. Your reputation precedes you.”

“I am,” the Doctor responded carefully. “And who might you be?”

The woman flicked her gaze over Rose before responding. “I am Superbia,” she answered with a graceful curtsey. “And these are my six sisters.”

She introduced each woman in turn. Avaritia wore a long crème dress made of lace, and an eccentric drapery around her head. Rose stared hard at what appeared to be deer horns protruding from her head. Luxuria had severely cropped blonde hair and an eyepatch that she adjusted with one elegantly gloved hand. Her lavender dress was made of velvet and only barely covered her lower half, receding instead behind her in a long train. Invidia wore a seafoam colored dress that concealed less than it revealed. She stared jealously at Rose from the corner of her eye during the introduction. Gula wore a silver dress under a puffy, sapphire silk coat. Her diamond-crusted headdress tinkled when she moved. Ira was terrifying in a blood red dress that set off her ivory pale skin. Her lips were smeared with black lipstick, the same color as her raven hair. Lastly, Acedia smiled up lazily at Rose and the Doctor. Her dress was made of dried flowers that shed each time she walked.

When they were finished, the Doctor’s face was stricken. “The Seven of Saligia,” he whispered in fear.

“You’ve heard of us as well then,” the white goddess sustained. “That is fortunate for you. You know what is coming.”

“But what is my sin?” the Doctor disputed. “I have freed an entire race from brutal torture and a life of servitude! How can you punish that?”

Superbia smiled and glared at the same time. “You take after my namesake, Doctor. Such…pride in your actions, and in yourself. I see your vanity and judge you guilty, winner of wars…savior of mankind…lord of time.”

"I too mark his sins," Avaritia chimed in.  She stared at his tailored suit with glee.

"And I," Invidia remarked as she grinned at Rose.  "He holds things close to him to keep them from others."

"We could go on," Superbia interrupted.  "But we all see clearly into your mind Doctor.  You're sins are all too apparent."

The Doctor struggled to argue over the churlish laughter of the seven women, while Rose looked confounded behind him.

“Please!” the Doctor cried out. “You can’t do this!”

“I already have!” Superbia answered sharply. “You have seven days, Doctor. Upon each morning you will awaken to another vice, ending only when you have mastered each corresponding virtue. Humility for vanity, diligence for sloth, temperance for gluttony, kindness for envy, charity for avarice, patience for wrath, and chastity for lust. You must conquer each sin and persevere; or else I will undo all that you have worked for, bringing the Kalnari back with the snap of my finger to toil into their graves. Gain arête Doctor, and you may have anything you want. Let the game begin.”

The seven women disappeared as if transported instantaneously, leaving Rose to stare in disbelief.

“What were those creatures?” she cried out as the Doctor started mournfully toward the TARDIS.

“The Seven,” he said in a hopeless voice.

The Doctor entered his ship and leaned heavily against the time rotor while covering his face with both hands.

“And who are they?” Rose prodded him on.

The Doctor peeked up at his companion through his fingers.

“I thought they were a myth,” he lamented. “They were said to be the founders of Saligia. Under their rule, the planet became legendary for its helotry. Slaves were punished based on seven different categories, depending on what offenses they had committed. The earth belief in purgatory actually originated from those who passed stories of Saligian torment to religious officials during the 14th Century. The church was inspired and devised their list of Seven Deadly Sins to scare people into upright behavior, or else end up in a place just like Saligia."

“But what did the Seven want with you?” Rose asked. “Why did Superbia threaten you?”

The Doctor shook his head angrily.  “It’s just a game to them. I'm the entertainment now that their slaves are gone. You heard Superbia’s ultimatum. Unless I gain arête, the Greek word for moral excellence, they will re-enslave the Kalnari, and who knows what will happen to me? Each day I will be possessed by a new vice, and I will only have twenty-four hours to master it.”

“Let’s get away from here then!” Rose suggested. “We can escape right now!”

The Doctor approached her and took her hand tenderly. “We can’t,” he answered. “The Seven are too powerful. They would simply follow us into the vortex. We might as well stay right where we are, because I can’t fight them any other way. My only choice is to beat them at their own game, with your help. You will help me, won’t you?”

Rose nodded emphatically. “I’ll do anything I can!” she proclaimed. “But what’s going to happen to you?”

The Doctor could tell she was frightened, so he squeezed her to his chest protectively. “Tomorrow, I will wake up filled with vanity and pride. It’s one of the lesser sins, so I don’t anticipate doing anything that might put you in danger, but if I survive it, other more threatening sins will follow. Sloth, gluttony envy, avarice wrath and lust. I could destroy the TARDIS. I could end up hurting myself or even I wish I could send you away somewhere and keep you safe, but the sisters would never allow it.  You're as much caught up in this as I am.”

Rose held him tighter to her chest and snuggled against his dirty jacket. “I wouldn't have it any other way. Whatever happens I will be at your side,” she promised. “We’ll get through this together.”

The Doctor shut his eyes tightly, hoping with all of his hearts that was true.

(Next Chapter)

rose tyler, doctor who, the vices, 10th doctor

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