Rewritten, Chapter 14

Jul 14, 2011 23:47

Rose was dangling from the heavy chains suspended above her head. With her arms extended fully in the air, her feet were free to barely touch the ground below. The Doctor had been chained with his arms behind his back, so that he could sit forward on his knees but little else.  Apparently, they were on their own.  Amelia and Jack had been taken to a separate cell.

“I remember when I first met you…” Rose began wearily. “I thought you were just some silly, bright inventor who would make me laugh. I had no idea you were a trans-dimensional space alien who might land me in prison one day.”

The Doctor beamed up at her, checking to see if there was any humor left in her eyes. “You always say that, or a version of that,” he replied, when he’d confirmed his suspicions. She could never stay angry with him for long.

“Will it be quick?” Rose asked sadly. “Our deaths?”

The Doctor snorted before shaking his head vigorously. “Rose, we’re not going to die. I know things look a little grim now, but trust me, I always think of something. If only we had some kind of tool to help me pick these locks…”

Rose’s expression fell flat for a moment, only to break out in a million-watt smile a second later. “But I have!” she cried. “I always keep a spare bobby pin in my…oh…”

She broke off and the Doctor stared at her questioningly.

“If you have a bobby pin, I can make a real go at this,” he told her seriously. “Where is it?”

Rose blushed so extraordinarily that the Doctor had a very, very interesting thought. She read his face and blushed harder. “It’s not that bad! It’s just at the center of my bra. I can’t get to it, obviously, so were out of luck.”

She demonstrated her inability to maneuver her head due to her position.

The Doctor cleared his throat, and if he’d had a free hand, would have been rubbing quite vigorously at his messy mop of hair. “I could um…” he began quietly.

Rose let her eyes fall down and land on his, trying to sense if there was a joke in his tone.

“You couldn’t reach me anyways,” she stuttered. “You’re too far-“

Rose was completely shocked when the Doctor stood up and perched levelly before her, dropping a length of chain behind him.

“When they weren’t looking, I held on to an extra bit for maneuvering,” he explained, but then realized what his ultimate task would be and looked appropriately ashamed. “I won’t if you don’t want me to,” he offered in his most gentlemanly manner. “But we are going to die otherwise, more than likely.”

His eyebrows danced up and down on his forehead and Rose laughed despite herself. “I’d almost think you’d planned this all out,” she replied.

“If I had,” he assured her, “you’re bobby pin would have been in a very different location.”

Rose’s mouth dropped open as the Doctor swept forward, angling his lips toward her blouse.

“Oh Rassilon!” he cried immediately. “I meant I’d put it in your hair! Seriously! What a dirty mind Rose Tyler! Humans, always so obsessed with sexual relations…”

While Rose blushed tomato red, the Doctor inched forward and tried to formulate a plan to deal with Rose’s white button down. He was just at end of his tether, so he had to bend forward completely to reach her. Finding the first few buttons undone, the Doctor went to work on the third one down, trying to snag a bit of the material with his teeth. When that proved futile, he resigned himself to the job and took the whole button and surrounding fabric into his mouth and tried to undo it like a cherry-stem knot with his tongue.

In the process, Rose felt her already racing heartbeat accelerate off the charts. She could feel the Doctor’s hot breath and the moisture of his mouth against the skin between her breasts. She took a sharp breath when his tongue accidentally tickled the revealed expanse of skin, and he leaned back abruptly.

“S-sorry,” he apologized nervously. His eyes betrayed the prurience he felt as he stared into hers, affected enormously by the scent and taste of her body.

“S’okay,” she said too quickly, looking downward. “The pin is just right there. Can you see it?”

The Doctor peered down and muffled a pained groan. The lacy lavender edges of her bra were now visible past the parted folds of white fabric, and pushing the perfect swell of her breasts to the top.

“Mm-hmm,” was all he could manage. He shook his head slightly before descending once more, hoping to dislodge the pin as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Rose stared down at the freckles on his nose, so close that she could count them individually, as he wielded his tongue against her. He tried one hard lick to unsettle it, but the traitorous pin did not budge. When he employed his teeth, the best he could do was to bite uselessly at the lace while pressing one whole side of his face into Rose’s right breast. Her heartbeat at that point was so alarming that the Doctor became slightly concerned for her wellbeing.

“Alright?” he asked distractedly. He dared a glance up at Rose’s face and saw that her eyes were closed and her head had fallen back, revealing the long, elegant arch of her neck. He really shouldn’t have looked up.

He redoubled his efforts, hoping to finish his task before it finished him, and finally felt the head of the pin come away safely tucked between his top and bottom teeth. He beamed at Rose and she beamed back.

“Jolly good!” she cheered. “Now what?”

The Doctor tucked the pin to one side of his cheek carefully. “I’m going to pass it to you, and then you drop it in my hands behind my back,” he explained easily.

“Oh, okay!” Rose agreed with a smile. “Wait, how...”

The Doctor had repositioned the pin so that it was protruding from his teeth once more, and he leaned forward toward Rose’s face expectantly.

Rose blushed once more as she attempted to lean toward him and accept the proffered tool without touching their lips together, but that proved entirely too laborious. She gave in and covered his mouth with her own, drawing the pin back into her own mouth with a flourish. The Doctor was rendered speechless for once while Rose cocked an eyebrow saucily.

“Yeah,” the Doctor squeaked as he turned around and managed to position himself so that Rose was directly above him. She dropped the key down into his fingers and he settled into his new occupation, but with decidedly less interest.

He smiled stupidly at Rose until his chains were no longer an issue, and snapping them off from his wrists, began to work at hers. Rose attempted to stabilize herself for their renewed proximity as he reached up the length of her body and undid her cuffs.

“There, that wasn’t too bad was it?” he offered as she rubbed her wrists. She saw the insecurity written all over his face and did the only thing she could think of to do.

She wrapped her arms around his body and pressed it back to hers before tracing the outline of his lips with her own. The Doctor released a slow exhalation of air as he kissed her back soundly.

“I kind of liked the cuffs,” Rose whispered dangerously, leaving a completely gobsmacked Doctor behind her.

(Next Chapter)

jack harkness, rose tyler, doctor who, rewritten, 10th doctor

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