contrelamontre challenge 1: Items
Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to write a fic that includes the following: 2 red items, 3 cards, 4 candles, snow, and an insect. The snow doesn't have to physically appear, you just have to work the word into the story.
You have 1 hour.
Challenge 2: Lie to Children
This week, your challenge is to use a lie often told to children in order to make a complicated concept simple or simply to protect a child's innocent world.
Wikipedia can give you a better definition.
You have 126 minutes.
Challenge 3: Resolutions
New Year's Eve is coming up, and for the last challenge of 2006, let's make up some resolutions! (Of course, you can always decide to break them!)
You have 80 minutes
I'm really sorry for not updating sooner! (Or updating last week...) I'll spare you the sob story.