#4- Companions of the Night by Vivian Vande Velde

Jan 16, 2009 18:41

Sixteen-year-old Kerry doesn’t usually spend her nights at the laundry mat looking for lost stuffed animals. She just couldn’t stand to
see her little brother, Ian, cry over his missing toy. Kerry’s plan is to run in, find it, and then leave with enough time to get her homework done before bed. She doesn’t plan on the three men who come barging in with an injured college student. These men claim that this frightened, pale skinned boy is a vampire, and they suspect that she might be one too. Although Kerry and the boy manage to escape, she’s about to learn that her problems have only begun. The next day, after school, she comes home expecting to see her family, only to find her house empty. Written on the wall is a message in red just for her: “Vampire, we have your family.”

Companions of the Night is a novel that falls into the ever popular sub-genre of “young/innocent woman falls into the dangerous worlds of vampires.” Although it doesn’t have as rich of a world as Robin McKinley’s Sunshine, and the romance is not as compelling as Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight, I cannot deny that it’s an enjoyable little read. I found it well-paced, with just enough mystery to keep the reader constantly curious about what’s happening next. I like the fact that the vampires in this world (from the two we meet) are not obviously “good” or “evil” but somewhere in between. Reading the book, it’s not always obvious who Kerry should side with, making it easy to understand her inner struggle about who to trust. Kerry is a likeable heroine as well. She’s not perfect. She makes mistakes and doesn’t always know what to do, but she has a quick mind and is easy to relate to.

Companions of the Night is great for someone looking for a fast, fun read. Another thing I enjoyed about it was, despite the fact that it was written in 1995, it rarely felt dated. I suspect that a young adult audience today could relate to it just as much as I did when I first read it at thirteen.

Rating: four out of five stars
Length: 212 pages
Source: My bookshelf (re-read)
TBR Pile: 155 books
Similar Books: Sunshine by Robin McKinley ( read my review). Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. The Silver Kiss by Annette Curtis Klause
Other books I've read by this author: The Conjurer Princess, Heir Apparent

I’m all paranormal-ed out, so I’m currently reading something completely different, Book of the Thousand Days by Shannon Hale. I’m about halfway through and I’m already in love with it.
xposted to bookish  and temporaryworlds 

vampires, young adult, vivian vande velde, ala best books for young adults, year published: 1995, four stars, reread, horror

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