#62 The Sea of Monsters by Rick Riordan

Aug 11, 2010 15:03

Warning, this review has spoilers for The Lightning Thief, the first book in Percy Jackson and the Olympians.
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year published: 2006, fantasy, children's books, percy jackson and the olympians, rick riordan, three and a half stars

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Comments 2

geekygirl August 12 2010, 02:31:08 UTC
I agree with your review. Very predictable. Keep reading, the series gets better as it goes on. My favorite book in the series is #4! :)


temporaryworlds August 12 2010, 13:05:06 UTC
I do plan on reading further. In the past three days I've watched my fiancé completely devour all five books in the series (!!!). He's assured me that books 3-5 are all great.


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