#57 Trading in Danger by Elizabeth Moon

Jul 19, 2010 20:27

(Note: Er... hi. I actually read this book a couple weeks ago but have not had the chance to block out an hour in my schedule to write a
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space opera, year published: 2003, four stars, elizabeth moon, vatta's war, science fiction

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Comments 3

calico_reaction July 20 2010, 23:11:41 UTC
I'm glad you liked this! I had a so-so experience with this one when I read it and didn't want to finish the series, but last year a friend of mine and I were discussing space operas and the nature of writing them and she strongly suggested I read the rest of it, so she let me borrow her books. I think of the five, the fourth book was my favorite. :)

Here's the link to the review of the first: http://calico-reaction.livejournal.com/55023.html


temporaryworlds July 22 2010, 19:25:58 UTC
Thanks for the comment. I'm not going to have a chance to finish the series now, but I do plan on reading the rest eventually. I'll be sure to look forward to book 4 in particular.

One thing I found interesting about you review was the fact that you expected a romantic plot line. Perhaps it's because I've been buried in kids books for school (which almost always never have any romance) but the idea of the book lacking a romantic subplot never really dawned on me.


calico_reaction July 22 2010, 22:11:50 UTC
At the time I read it, I was kind of in an erroneous mode of women writing SF=romantic subplot. That's what I was used to seeing, so that's what I expected. It was a poor expectation, but as you read on in the series, I don't think I'm the only one with it: I think it's obvious that Moon was acting against that very expectation, especially in book two. :)


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