Monthly Reflections: April 2013

May 01, 2013 18:00

Books and Audiobooks Read

The Hero of the Ages by Brandon Sanderson (five stars)
Magic for Beginners by Kelly Link (four stars)
Grave Witch by Kaylana Price (three stars)
Redshirts by John Scalzi (five stars)
Pirate Cinema by Cory Doctorow (four stars)
Zoo City by Lauren Beukes (four and a half stars)
Frost Burned by Patricia Briggs (four and a half stars)
White Cat by Holly Black (four stars)
Plain Kate by Erin Bow (five stars)

Novellas Read
When Will You Rise, Stories to End the World by Mira Grant (three and a half stars)

Favorite Read
Gah! How can I chose this month. I'll have to say Plain Kate but that might be because it's the one freshest in my mind.

Biggest Disappointment

Grave Witch

TBR Update and New Books
What a great month for books! I actually had some free time this month (even took a little vacation time) which allowed me to read quite a few books. I've also reached a balance with my TBR pile. I've put twenty-two books into the TBR, but I've removed just as many. Let's see if I can keep that up. Here are my acquisitions for April:
  • Sandition by Jane Austen (paperbackswap)
  • Frost Burned by Patricia Briggs (audible credit)
  • Snow White, Blood Red by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling (paperbackswap)
  • Palace of Stone by Shannon Hale (paperbackswap)
  • A Perfect Blood by Kim Harrison (paperbackswap market)
  • The Emperor's Soul by Brandon Sanderson (audible gift card)

    monthly reflections

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