#100 Marque and Reprisal by Elizabeth Moon

Dec 17, 2011 11:39

This review has some small spoilers for Trading in Danger, the first book in Vatta’s War. There are no real spoilers for Marque and
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space opera, four stars, year published: 2004, elizabeth moon, vatta's war, science fiction

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Comments 3

calico_reaction December 17 2011, 19:18:09 UTC
I remember when I read Trading in Danger, I was disappointed. At the time, I was really into SFR, and made the erroneous assumption that because it was SF with a female lead written by a woman, there'd be SOME kind of love story. Shame on me. I finally gave the rest of the series a shot two years ago and enjoyed it as a whole. This book really marked the shaping of the series though, because it became obvious to me that Moon was telling a bigger story than what could be contained per book.

I will say that each book does suffer the flaw of having a bit too much detail and too much stuff in the middle that wonderfully fleshes out the world-building (yay) but rather weighs down the book (boo!). That said, as a whole, I enjoyed it.

My review for Marque and Reprisal: http://calico-reaction.livejournal.com/114824.html


temporaryworlds December 18 2011, 19:45:20 UTC
It's strange the types of assumptions that we come into a book with. You expected more romance from a female sf author, and I expected the two strong-minded female leads to descend into bickering (I wonder how much of that assumption is due to the fact that I'm also listening to Children of the Mind by Orson Scott Card, where EVERYONE is bickering). When a book subverts those expectations it can be frustrating, but it can also be quite fascinating, as I found with this book.


calico_reaction December 18 2011, 21:48:42 UTC
Definitely. Once I got over my original expectations (and it took some praise for the series as a whole from another trusted reader), I was able to read the books for what they were, rather than what they weren't. :)


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