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Comments 6

pjvilar November 26 2012, 06:14:43 UTC
This is utterly perfect. Great story.


templemarker November 27 2012, 19:22:38 UTC
Thank you so much!


charliechaz November 26 2012, 18:20:14 UTC
" Nate is resolute, unafraid, but Brad knows that look. He made his home in that look."

"Nate searches Brad's face, and Brad could watch him forever. He plans to."

"When they part, Nate's eyes are closed, and Brad allows himself a gloating smirk. He did that. He does that. No one gets to do that to Nate but him, and by god Brad is a lucky fuck......

"I just kissed you senseless in a broom closet," Brad points out. "What makes you think you have any dignity left?"

"I'll dignify you later," Nate says nonsensically"

Man! My heart melted, then melted somemore...then I laughed. I felt like I learned everything there is to learn about their relationship in just a few paragraphs : )


templemarker November 27 2012, 19:22:50 UTC
Thank you! So glad you enjoyed.


glitterglam13 November 26 2012, 23:03:31 UTC
This was utterly perfect. I love how much history between them you managed to convey in such a short story.


templemarker November 27 2012, 19:23:15 UTC
That's exactly my intention, so I'm pleased it was conveyed! Thanks so much!


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