No full clips - the series is remarkably bad at clips; they're constantly talking over them or cutting back to the face of the host watching the clips, like we might get terribly disoriented if we don't see the host every thirty seconds - but they did show some filmed material. I don't know if that means they'd gone in with a camera especially for the episode, or whether the entire production had been filmed.
It's all been filmed, apparently, and screened at a few film festivals, but I have no idea whether there are plans for a wider release or a DVD or anything. Keeping my fingers crossed. (I found the Globe version underwhelming too, although Michelle Terry was awesome as usual.)
I think one of the reasons I was disappointed in the Globe production is that I had been looking forward to it quite a bit - Michelle Terry is great! I have high hopes for the upcoming Globe As You Like It, in which she's been cast as Rosalind.
I always feel like I'm such a terrible scholar when I read your posts! I'm one of those history-and-performance people who ruins everything for everyone.
…But history and performance are good and important? I just think Shakespeare's language almost always gets left out of these kinds of shows (which is weird, because the words are kind of important to the performance…).
Comments 6
I think one of the reasons I was disappointed in the Globe production is that I had been looking forward to it quite a bit - Michelle Terry is great! I have high hopes for the upcoming Globe As You Like It, in which she's been cast as Rosalind.
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