things I worry about on a semi-regular basis

Jul 18, 2012 12:54

The adorable stupidfaces, aka Karen and the Babes, aka Matt Smith, Karen Gillan, and Arthur Darvill, were at Comic-Con. Which is an introduction, basically, for a picture that is so hipster it hurts ( Read more... )

pond family, arthur darvill, matt smith, moffat, karen gillan, doctor who, dw series 7, eleventh doctor

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Comments 13

litlover12 July 18 2012, 17:00:29 UTC
Dr. Huxtable called. He wants his sweater back. (I saw it in other pictures.)

And though I'm still so new to the show, I totally concur with your opinion!


tempestsarekind July 18 2012, 17:08:02 UTC
I genuinely want to know where he *finds* these things; he seems to have a whole collection of bizarre sweaters that he wears to various press events. (I have to admit that I have actually become rather fond of the one with the pheasants on it.)

I say "Moffat writes Doctor Who like a comedy" as shorthand rather a lot, but only because that aspect has been so precious to me! I have my choice of grim and gloomy on television; this is rarer.


RE: Dr. Huxtable called. *snarf* leucotheasveil August 2 2012, 17:47:00 UTC
*waves* Hi there, I did a random search for "fezzes are cool" to take a break from a truly long and evil paper that was due yesterday, and found your post.

And I am glad I am not the only one who was perplexed and horrified by the magnitude of awful that sweater had. Did he lose a bet? Did his Grandmum insist he take it because she hand-knitted it for his trip to America? Is that a midsummer version of the awful christmas sweater competition look?

The Ponds haven't grown on me *that* much yet, but I am only just past their wedding. I don't know if it's the acting or writing, but I had more of a connection to Amelia than Amy so far.

I have to finish this %&%^& class and catch up next week, Netflicks- willing.

BTW, ok if I friend you? I don't have a lot of Dr. Who friends on my list to share sweater horror with.


Re: Dr. Huxtable called. *snarf* tempestsarekind August 2 2012, 20:43:14 UTC
It is an infinitely awful sweater! Perhaps it was all an elaborate prank, to see if anyone would mention it. (I wonder whether anyone did.)

Sure - friend away!


barefoottomboy July 18 2012, 17:12:21 UTC
But if my Ponds don't get a happy ending, we might have to break up.

(Also, I *really* could not deal with the Doctor being a jerk to the next companion because something bad happened to the previous one, if that happened. Been there, done that, still mad about it.)

THIS. (these?)


tempestsarekind July 18 2012, 17:28:52 UTC
I have a lifetime membership to the Martha Jones Defense and Appreciation Society, and I will always love the strength she shows when she leaves the Doctor, but she should never have been treated in such a way that her best option was pulling the escape cord on a toxic relationship. Hmph. Do not want, ever again ( ... )


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tempestsarekind July 18 2012, 20:42:38 UTC
It's doubly frustrating for me because there are things about the Ten/Martha relationship that I love *so much*, if he would just stop lapsing into jerkdom! The way he trusts Martha, on day one, with his life and his plans appeals to me on a deep and abiding level - but then it's "Rose would know" this, and "Never waste time on a hug" that, and "Martha, would you mind walking a destroyed earth for a year, and when you get back I *still* won't praise you like I'd praise any of my other companions for doing much less? Thanks!" *sigh*

I spent so many LJ posts on those two. Man.


teliesin July 19 2012, 10:29:18 UTC
I so want the show to be back on again, but am also afraid of what might happen to the Ponds. Moffat could mess it up but probably not as bad as RTD did with Ten and the companions. I'm already missing the Ponds. Hopefully it's not something terrible or Eleven driving them away, I am really liking Eleven now and don't want to lose that. The Ponds have changed the Doctor or maybe made him see an important side of himself that was buried deep that I don't think others have. They do seem like a family, but have not convinced myself the Doctor is really married to River Song. (she married a robot, was that really the ceremony with the right official, not sure his heart is really in it)


tempestsarekind July 19 2012, 14:43:28 UTC
Yes, Eleven is my favorite of the three Doctors I'm familiar with (I've seen a couple of classic episodes but I only really know New Who), in part because he is the darlingest of the three. :) But it's also because he does seem more thoughtful and self-aware about himself and what he can do to people. And I think the Ponds have really helped, partly because he's been such an important part of Amy's life for so long, and then because he somehow manages to bring Rory into the circle, too, so that he becomes a part of the Pond dynamic. (There's a reason Amy calls them her boys.) I hope he doesn't try to drive Amy and Rory away - although every time he tries to back out of her life, something makes that impossible. Oh, I *do* hope everything turns out all right ( ... )


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