
Sep 26, 2010 18:30

I am now actually getting my historical news from Doctor Who communities (in this case doctoreleven).

"Rare Roman suit of armour found at Caerleon dig"

(Why do I not actually have a tag for Romano-British stuff?)

strange eventful history, roman britain finally gets a tag, rory is not a roman name

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Comments 12

viomisehunt September 28 2010, 04:38:36 UTC
Makes sense. Everything I know, I learned from Star Trek.


tempestsarekind September 28 2010, 15:57:45 UTC
I once saw a program about how Star Trek had inspired all these scientists to create things, so why not?


viomisehunt September 28 2010, 19:53:14 UTC
I once saw a program about how Star Trek had inspired all these scientists to create things, so why not?
It's very true. Nichelle Nichols inspired lots of women to drop home ec for science. Some of us even did quite well.

Star Trek also inspired lots of medical advances as to the possibilty of advancement.

And Doctor Who, (well actually Harry Potter) inpsired me to look deeper into English history than the glut I got Western Civ at college.


tempestsarekind September 29 2010, 15:47:47 UTC
That is supposed to be a part of the BBC's remit, isn't it? Doctor Who was nominally educational...


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