Welcome to Tempest Icons. This is a resources post to credit people who for some reason have aided me in making my icons be it brushes, tutorials, images etc.
Brushes & Textures
77words //
amethystia100 //
anais_dirge //
artistjosie //
acidicicons //
blimey_iconsbombay101 //
colorfilter //
colortone //
contradictz //
creativeheart_ //
crumblingwalls //
damnicons //
dekolette //
desiderio //
eightyfour__ //
ewanism //
gunshott //
gender //
ianthinae //
ingenu0us //
jeweledicecream //
liminalstate //
__lindy //
loleiasbits //
myrasis //
niqii //
noctuidae //
peoplemachines //
petticoatrow //
_promenadeicons //
radon_ //
roostersgrrl //
sanami276 //
scarsonchest //
scully7491 //
teh_indy //
tihana //
tinuviel248 //
unmasked_icons yumei_k //
I use the following fonts quite often. All are freeware and available from
Dafont if not otherwise specified.
Handwritten/olde style
18th Century
Hannibal Lecter (this is a free version of P22 Cezanne which is everywhere, it can be downloaded at
Eroded & Distorted and otherwise funky
28 days later
Cocaine Sans
Heroine Sheik
Pixel fonts
Ernest Borgnine
Me Too Pixi
I also use Arial, Copperplate, Tahoma as tiny text.
Fonts I use for Decorative Initials
Acorn Initials
Hentzau Initials
Medieval Sorcerer
Uechi Gothic
cap_it28 days later -
teh_indyDaniel Deronda -
fineeyes @
http://www.fine-eyes.net/capturesDoctor Who (2005) -
Christopher Eccleston.info &
stake and stones &
here Doctor Who (Christmas Invasion) ~
time and spaceElizabeth -
costumersguide.com & some caps by me
Lord of the Rings ~
Annon nan GaladhNarnia -
high_res_capsNorth and South - Me!! Can be downloaded
hereOur Mutual Friend ~ me
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest - spitefairy">
here Romeo and Juliet ~
deadbettythemurcurytreemissingbudsparisianpierrot Images
Hamlet -
discover-kate.comLord of the Rings -
bean-boxQuills -
discover-kate.comScans (general scans) -
http://www.fever-of-fate.comFashion pictures from
foto_decadent //
storm modelsStocks from
phototravels.net and
getty imagesKeeley Hawes ~
http://www.keeley-hawes.co.ukbook covers ~
http://www.amazon.co.uk Tutorials
hushed_art My tutorials
77words To credit an icon upload the picture as one of your userpictures simply go to http://www.livejournal.com/editpics.bml and when you upload the picture you'll also notice two text boxes: Keyword and Comment. Keyword is where you type in a name for the icon for your benefit. The comment text box is where you can credit the iconmaker! In the Comments box simply type in the following (please remove the #'s) - <#lj user="tempest_icons"#> and save! Et voila!!!!
Laura xx