Last night on twitter conversation turned (as it often does, I am delighted to report) to the subject of Booth's peen. As usual it was
hpaich that started us off, she always does know how to lower raise the tone.
Anywho, we quickly decided that Booth's penis, much like the rest of him, would be tall, strong and rather wonderful - and that (by extension ;p) deserved a holiday all of it's own.
Then my bestie
spacekid77 decided there was no time to waste when we could be spending the day contemplating what is surely the most delightful of man-parts... and thus July 22nd shall henceforth be known as (Inter)National Booth's Penis Day.
Sadly it is doubtful we shall ever get to see SJB in all his (morning) glory on Show.. so we must exercise our minds (I know it's a stretch) and decide for ourselves just what a beauty he keeps stashed in those shorts.
Come one, come all (come Booth), speculate upon and celebrate the wonder that is Seeley Booth, and more specifically, Seeley Booth's wanger.
(spamming of comments with pics, gifs and speculation that would make Angela Montenegro blush is actively encouraged *g*)