I registered at BMC on Monday. The process was torturously slow and the computer system used to handle the photo + student card stage crashed after I had been sitting in that queue for upwards of an hour. This meant that I had to come back on Tuesday morning to wait for another hour, this time in the company of a herd of teenagers. One of them
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Comments 2
I wonder how Thompson's getting on- a friend of mine has a Stockport season ticket and said everyone was deliriously excited about him, and he'd been given the great honour of Kevon Francis' legendary No. 9 shirt. He hasn't scored yet has he?
Thompson netted pre-season against Manchester City but not since. Good to learn that Stockport's fans are behind him already. I think he's easily good enough to flourish in English league football if his head is taken care of. I have no real grounds on which to base this supposition, but I can imagine him becoming homesick. 'Why being a football fan is like being a protective parent' - a New Dad discussion with Nick Hornby and Tony Parsons.
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