I wrote this fic early in the year and for a long time I wasn’t sure if I should post it. It’s yet another post-VoE fic. It’s a slow-going, reflective piece and it sometimes seems like so much superfluous babbling and degenerated into fluffy fluff towards the ending. I also got the impression that the general otp here is Laurence/Tharkay... But perhaps that’s an excuse for posting this: the gap has to be filled somehow. ;)
Title: In vino temeritas
Pairing: Granby/Laurence
Rating: PG
Words: 1167
Spoilers: up to Victory of Eagles
Disclaimer: No dragons were hurt in the production of this story.
Summery: On a quiet night on board the Allegiance, unexpected feelings drive Laurence into self-analysis. But even with Laurence, that has eventually to come to an end…
Notes: I’m crazy for Laurence/Granby. Although, tragically, they feature highly on my list of things that are meant to be, but will most likely never come to pass, from time to time, when I’m in need of some fluff, I imagine a happy ending for them. Usually it is Granby whom I picture as the one who’s taking the first step - understandable, I’m sure. But I thought that, for once, Laurence should be given the opportunity to show that he, too, has the guts to follow his heart. Be warned: there is much Laurence-ness ahead, and then some fluff.
There was a momentary lull in their easy conversation and they gazed out into the black Atlantic night in companionable silence.