
Aug 12, 2023 23:51

Research. What's the most random thing you've ever researched for a story? If you come across something where you have reason to believe the creator hasn't done their research, would that cause you to stop reading, or would you grit your teeth and bear with it? Do you/would you ever ignore the outcome of research and go your own way ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

zelda_zee August 14 2023, 05:57:04 UTC
I think my most research-heavy ficcing experience was for an AU series set in the Barbary Coast in the 1700s in which the characters were all pirates. That required a LOT of research! I enjoy research though, at least up to a certain point ( ... )


tellshannon815 August 14 2023, 22:06:28 UTC
Yes, that Charlie one has always bugged me, and the other one is Charlotte with the history recited by Ben then totally contradicted in the following season. (Although if she never really was from Bromsgrove, she was missing nothing - I'm in the next county, and given the choice I'd pick the island myself).


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