FIC: Favor (Lotrips/HP, Viggo Mortensen, Jan Mortensen (OMC), PG)

Apr 20, 2006 02:58

Authors: darkrose and telesilla
Fandom/ Pairing: Harry Potter/Lotrips crossover; none
Archive: Please ask.
Rating: PG
Summary: Jan Mortensen has a favor to ask of his big brother.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: You get two for the price of one here: 1) Not RL; didn't happen. If you think this has anything to do with the real people involved, then you need to put down the crack pipe. and probably seek professional help. 2) Neither of us is J.K. Rowling; if we were, we'd have a nicer car and live in San Francisco. This is her world, not ours. Are we clear here?

Notes: Quite a while ago, airgiodslv came up with thegoblins_library challenge, which was to write a Lotrips/Harry Potter crossover. At the time we said we'd do Viggo/Lucius, but then we didn't have the inspiration. Then we watched Goblet of Fire on DVD and got bitten by a persistent bunny.

In order to bring some things into parallel, we've messed with the timing of events in the HP universe. There is a timeline,, but all you really need to know is that Year One is now 2000. This piece takes place early in 2006, after the events in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, and follows Dual Citizenship. Also, while Viggo does have two brothers, we've changed their names here; the brother we're meeting now is Viggo's youngest brother, Jan, an advocate--lawyer--in Wizarding Britain.

After meeting with Scrimgeour, Jan Apparates home. He's confident now that despite Lucius' reputation, the Wizengamot will agree to a reduced sentence in exchange for the information he's provided them. The big question, though, is what they'll decide to do with him instead. Jan has an idea, but before he suggests it, he needs to make a phone call. Kissing Emily as he comes in, he goes into the office, picks up the phone, and dials his brother's number.

Henry had tried to explain how to assign ringtones to a cell phone but Viggo couldn't understand it any more than he could understand how a portkey worked. He does have caller ID however, and a London number can only be one of a couple of people. "Hello?"

"Vig? How are you? I heard that you were Down Under--when'd you get back?" Jan grins. He's always been absurdly proud of his cool big brother, and he loves hearing about Viggo's work and various projects.

"Hey!" Viggo says with a broad grin. "Got back about a week ago. How are you doing? How's Emily and the kids?"

"Everyone's doing good....Em's pretty busy at the hospital, of course, and I've actually been staying home with the kids a lot. Listen, Viggo, do you mind if I drop in for a bit? I've got a bit of a favor to ask, and I'd rather do it in person."

"A favor?" Viggo frowns trying to figure out what on earth Jan could want from him. "Sure," he says. "I'm at the house, you still have the portkey?"

"Great--thanks. I'll be there in a minute." Jan hangs up. Once, he forgot after talking to Viggo, and he ended up with a huge phone bill.

"Em, love? I need to talk to Viggo, but I promise I'll be back in time for dinner," Jan calls. He grabs the portkey from his desk drawer, concentrates--

--and then he's standing in Viggo's living room, dragging his older brother into a rough hug.

"Damn," Viggo says, slapping Jan on the back. "It's good to see you." I worry about you now, he wants to say, but that's foolish. Jan would no more leave his adopted country in the middle of the war than Viggo would leave the States. "Want a beer? I've got some Anchor Steam."

"Sounds brilliant," Jan tells him, "Though I should only have one, since Em's waiting dinner on me. Kitchen?"

"Yeah," Viggo says leading the way. He gets them both beers and then sits down at the table. "So, what can I do for the wizarding world?" he asks.

"Well..." Jan takes a long swallow of his beer. "I told you about the fight at the Department of Mysteries last summer, didn't I? That's pretty much what started things this time around."

"Yeah," Viggo says. "And I've heard about some of what's been going on from various people." Viggo does his best to keep informed of events, and there are plenty of wizards who feel that, as the father of a wizard, he deserves to know. "How bad is it?"

"Pretty bad." Jan scowls. "Fucking Fudge didn't want to believe You-Know--Voldemort was back, so he kept anyone from telling the truth about it. When we finally started fighting, we were already behind." He stares down at the table, tracing the grain of the wood. "And then we lost Dumbledore. Still can't believe that he's gone."

Even Viggo knows who Dumbledore was and he raises an eyebrow. "Would your favor involve Em and the kids?" he asks, his mouth going tight. "I won't take them without you, Jan. I won't let you do to Em what Dad did to Mom." Even as he says it, he knows he's lying, that he'll protect Jan's family the same way he'd protect his own son.

Jan shakes his head. "No. Em's not going anywhere, and I'm sure as hell not leaving her. This is about one of my clients."

"A client?" Viggo asks, not sure if he's glad that Jan's not asking for asylum. "How can I help?"

"One of the members of Voldemort's inner circle led the assault at the Department of Mysteries," Jan explains. "He was arrested along with several other Death Eaters. Unlike them, though, he agreed to tell the Ministry everything he knew about Voldemort and his plans. The problem is that since he gave testimony, we can't exactly keep him locked up in Azkaban, and we certainly don't have an excuse to Obliviate him, but if we send him home and keep him under house arrest, he'll be dead in a week." Jan looks up at Viggo. "We need a place to stash him."

"So you came to me," Viggo says flatly. He rises from his chair and moves to stand at the back door, looking out at his backyard without really seeing it. It's a hard thing to face, the knowledge that he's not nearly as resigned to being a Squib as he thought. "Because no one will look for a wizard criminal in the house of your Squib brother."

"That's part of it," Jan says, matching his brother's tone. "Not all, though. This guy's...he's an asshole, pretty much. For all that he's turned on Voldemort, no one at the Ministry trusts him. I know how you feel about most wizards, and I can guess how you'll feel about an ex-Death Eater, but I know you, and I know you'll at least be fair to him."

"Really?" His sudden burst of anger startles Viggo. "Because I can't possibly hate the Death Eaters as much as your people can?" Even as he says it, he knows it's not fair.

"I wouldn't say that at all, Viggo, and you bloody well know it," Jan said. "But you've always been an optimist. You always try to see the best in people." He sets his bottle down. "I've spent almost six months with Lucius, okay? And whatever else he's done, he did agree to testify, freely. He's a pureblood snob, a racist, and has probably used all three of the Unforgivables more often than he can keep track of--but he's finally decided to do the right thing, and I think he deserves a chance to show that he's changed. Nobody in our world is ever going to give him that chance."

Viggo takes a deep breath. "How long will he be here? I'm looking at a couple of projects and I'll need to know if I can accept them or not? And of course, I can't have Henry here while this prisoner of yours is in the house."

"Until the war's over--which means until Voldemort's dead. That needs to be soon, because I don't know how much longer we can hold him off." Jan runs a hand through his hair. "And everyone's resting their hopes on a 17-year-old kid. It's crazy."

"I see," Viggo says, although he really doesn't. He's heard about the kid, of course, but the only thing he can think of is how he'd feel if the fate of the world as he knew it was resting on Henry's shoulders.

"Well," he says after a short pause, "there are some things I can do here, writing and painting and the like. So all right, yes. I'll allow him to stay."


collision, viggo

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